Monday, August 17, 2020

Money plants in our lawn - 200817Mo

  Money plants in our lawn  
(Photos taken by me on 2020 Aug 17 Mon)
Version: 200817Mo
Some years ago I made an idea of planting money plants in a lot of pots and arrange them together side by side in our lawn. So I started doing as I planned and planted one money plant cutting per pot. In a few weeks they all took roots and in some more weeks they started climbing the supporting branches I had fixed in the pot. Slowly and steady they all climbed to the top of the branch. They all together gave a pleasant and green and fresh look to the area where I had placed them. I take special care of them all and almost daily go to them for enjoying their look and feel and for checking for their health.
During monsoon of this year (2020) one day I observed that those money plants were looking very fresh and clean and wet and ready for some photo session. In one or two days, my idea of taking photos of those money plants became riper but problem was continuous rains. So on one afternoon as rain took rest for a while I quickly went to place where I had arranged money plant pots. Then I took some photos of money plants from different angles and quickly came back inside the home as rain was giving signs of starting again. I took these photos using my mobile nokia c1-01. After editing those photos of money plants, I uploaded them to different sites.
After a few days of above adventure I made another plan of taking photos of the same money plants with a better camera. So this time in one morning I again went to those money plants and took some photos of them. This time photo size and object details were far better.
Apart from these we also have other money plants in our lawn and they are all individually arranged between other plants to give contrast. I planted them all in pots of different sizes. In this post I am sharing only those pictures of the money plants that I have mentioned in the above paragraphs.
Money plant is also know as Araceae, Ceylon creeper, Epipremnum aureum, golden pothos, hunter's robe, ivy arum, popular houseplant, Pothos, silver vine, Solomon Islands ivy and taro vine.
Money plat is a popular houseplant and is commonly found in Pakistan, China, Bangladesh, Cook Islands, Fiji, Hainan, Hawaii, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Java, Maluku Islands, Marshall Islands, Mo'orea, Myanmar, New Caledonia, New Guinea, Nusa Tenggara, Palau, peninsular Malaysia, Philippines, Queensland, Sabah, Sarawak, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Sulawesi, Sumatra, Taiwan, Thailand, Tonga, Vanuatu, Vietnam and Western Samoa. etc.
Following are the photos I took of above mentioned money plants using better camera.


Colors used in this post:
Border color rgb(82, 122, 122) #527a7a
Background color rgb(194, 214, 214) #c2d6d6

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.

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