Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Sliding Puzzle 9x9 - 1 - 221011Tu

  Sliding Puzzle - 9x9 - 1  
Version: 221011Tu
Other versions
Version Link
220915Th I solved sliding Puzzle-15 game - 220915Th
On evening of PkT 2022 Sep 14 Wed my niece asked for my help while playing sliding “puzzle 15” game. I found that she had solved top 3 rows out of total 4 rows. I felt happy on watching that and at the same time felt sorry because I had no idea how to solve that puzzle game.
Therefore for helping my niece in solving that puzzle game I started learning online that game myself. After reading some articles about that game on couple of sites/pages I found the strategy/method required for solving “puzzle 15” game.
Till late night, on that day, I kept learning and practicing solving “puzzle 15” game so that I could teach my niece next time how to play and solve puzzle games like “puzzle 15”.
While I was learning and playing that game i remembered that a few years ago i had made a similar game on computer. So on my next session on computer I started that game for playing and found that that game was actually Puzzle-8 game. Fortunately the strategy I had learned for Puzzle-15 game worked on Puzzle-8 game also and then I solved Puzzle-8 game for the first time. Major difference between Puzzle-8 game and Puzzle-15 game is dimension of their grid.
During that session of learning and playing and solving sliding Puzzle-15 game online and Puzzle-8 game on PC on game made by me in c# (c sharp) an interesting idea visited my mind. The idea was to make an upgraded version of the Puzzle-8 game I had already made on PC in c#. Major improvement I wanted to make was to make the game flexible in its size so that it could be played as 2x2 (Puzzle-3) to 9x9 (Puzzle-80) puzzle game. I kept upper limit to 9 for keeping game’s user-interface user friendly.
Quickly I started work on that idea of mine and made the new and upgraded version of Puzzle-8 in a few days in c#. In this blog in the following I am going to discuss the new and upgraded version of Puzzle-8 I named Puzzle-9x9.
Following are some screen-shots of the above mentioned sliding puzzle game demonstrating different states of application (sliding puzzle game) I made in c#.

[ Application preview ]
This image I added here as a preview of my slef made Puzzle-9x9 game I am discussing here.

[ (01) Sliding Puzzle-9x9 is loaded ]
Sliding game application is loaded and is ready for use.
[ (01a) Menu]
[ (01a1) Game's Game menu is displayed ]
Puzzle game's Game menu is clicked displaying its only option i.e. Quit.
[ (01a1a) Menu's Game/Quit option is clicked ]
Puzzle game's Game/Quit menu option is clicked and an alert message window is displayed. This window confirms wether user really want to quit application or not.
This alert window opens when user tries to Quit application using application menu's Game/Quit option or clicks form's red colored Close button on its top right or clicks system menus close option.
[ (01a2) Game's Help menu is displayed ]
Puzzle Game's Help menu is clicked displaying its 5 options.
[ (01a2a) Help/About is displayed ]
Game's Help/About option is clicked and a window is opened displaying basic information about Puzzle game application.
[ (01a2b) Help/Purpose is displayed ]
Game's Help/Purpose option is clicked and a window is opened displaying Purpose of this Puzzle game application.
[ (01a2c) Help/User-Interface is displayed ]
Game's Help/User-Interface option is clicked and a window is opened displaying information about User-interface of this Puzzle game application.
[ (01a2d) Help/How-to-use is displayed ]
Game's Help/How-to-use option is clicked and a window is opened displaying information describing how-to-use this Puzzle game application.
[ (01a2e) Help/Copyright ]
Game's Help/Copyright option is clicked and a window is opened displaying Copyright notice for this Puzzle game application.
[ (01b ) Action ]
[ (01b1) Button New is clicked ]
Button "New" is clicked. This diables "New" button and enables Shuffle" button and "Puzzle grid size" option and "Start" button. Puzzle grid with default/currently-set grid size is also displayed.
[ (01b2) Puzzle grid size option is expanded  ]
Puzzle grid size comboBox is clicked displayling Puzzle grid size options available.
[ (01b2a) New Puzzle grid size is choosen ]
From "Puzzle grid size" comboBox new puzzle grid size is choosen and therefore new puzzle grid is displayled arrording to the selected grid size.
[ (01b3) Button Shuffle is clicked ]
Button "Shuffle" is clicked and tiles on sliding puzzle grid are shuffled. This option can be used for getting new tile arrangement.
[ (01b4) Button Start is clicked ]
Button "Start" is clicked. This action disables "New" button, Puzzle grid size comboBox, Shuffle button and Start button. This action enables Close button.
This action turns tile color to Steelblue for those tiles which are not on their correct position and Green to those tiles which are on their corrent position.Now Puzzle is ready for playing.
Now Puzzle is ready for player to solve it.
[ (01b4a) Some moves are made ]
Sliding puzzle game looks like in this image after some moves are made. Useful information is displayed under button sectio n on right side.
[ (01b4b) Puzzle is solved (1) ]
Puzzle is solved and a congratulating message is displayed.
[ (01b4c) Puzzle is solved (2) ]
Puzzle was solved and a congratulating message was displayed. After closing that message application looks like this. In status line application is telling that game is solved and now player must click "Close" button to close this game and get option for starting new one.
[ (01b5a) Solved Puzzle is closed ]
Puzzle was solved and then closed. In this situation application looks like in this image. All tiles on their correct position are in green color. Button "New" is enabled and everything else is disabled in action section.
[ (01b5b) Un-solved Puzzle is closed ]
Puzzle was not solved but was closed. In this situation application looks like in this image. All tiles on their correct position are in green color and others are in purple color. Button "New" is enabled and everything else is disabled in action section.
[ (01c) Puzzle-9x9 giid in diferent sizes ]
[ (01c1) Puzzle-9x9 grid size 2x2 ]
Puzzle grid looks like in this image when grid size of 2x2 is selected from "Puzle grid size" comboBox.
[ (01c2) Puzzle-9x9 grid size 3x3 ]
Puzzle grid looks like in this image when grid size of 3x3 is selected from "Puzle grid size" comboBox.
[ (01c3) Puzzle-9x9 grid size 4x4 ]
Puzzle grid looks like in this image when grid size of 4x4 is selected from "Puzle grid size" comboBox.
[ (01c4) Puzzsle-9x9 grid size 5x5 ]
Puzzle grid looks like in this image when grid size of 5x5 is selected from "Puzle grid size" comboBox.
[ (01c5) Puzzle-9x9 grid size 6x6 ]
Puzzle grid looks like in this image when grid size of 6x6 is selected from "Puzle grid size" comboBox.
[ (01c6) Puzzle-9x9 grid size 7x7 ]
Puzzle grid looks like in this image when grid size of 7x7 is selected from "Puzle grid size" comboBox.
[ (01c7) Puzzle-9x9 grid size 8x8 ]
Puzzle grid looks like in this image when grid size of 8x8 is selected from "Puzle grid size" comboBox.
[ (01c8) Puzzle-9x9 grid size 9x9 ]
Puzzle grid looks like in this image when grid size of 9x9 is selected from "Puzle grid size" comboBox.

Colors used for Border and Background of this post
Color HSL RGB Hex
63°, 98%, 19% 92, 97, 1 #5b6001
63°, 60%, 60% 208, 214, 90 #d0d65a

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

I solved sliding Puzzle-15 game - 220915Th

  I solved sliding Puzzle-15 game  
Version: 220915Th
Other versions
Version Link
221011Tu Sliding Puzzle 9x9 - 1 - 221011Tu
On evening of PkT 2022 Oct 14 Wed my niece asked for my help while playing sliding “puzzle 15” game. I found that she had solved top 3 rows out of total 4 rows. I felt happy on watching that and at the same time felt sorry because I had no idea how to solve that puzzle game.
Therefore for helping my niece in solving that puzzle game I started learning online that game myself. After reading some articles about that game on couple of sites/pages I found the strategy/method required for solving “puzzle 15” game.
Till late that night I kept learning and practicing solving “puzzle 15” game so that I could teach my niece next time how to play and solve puzzle games like “puzzle 15”.
During that session of learning and playing sliding Puzzle-15 game online I solved the game for the first time. Even after solving the game I kept learnig the game on different sites to get as much information about solving it as possible. That night I played this sliding puzzle-15 game online over and over because I wanted to practice enough to teach this game to my niece in better way.
I, during that same session, also played and solved sliding Puzzle-15 game available on my smart phone. That was an exciting moment for me because before that day I had no idea about solving the puzzle. Therefore immediately I took a screenshot of the game for sharing the moment with everyone., also played and solved sliding Puzzle-15 game available on my smart phone. That was an exciting moment for me because before that day I had no idea about solving the puzzle. Therefore immediately I took a screenshot of the game for sharing the moment with everyone.
Following is the unified image made out of screenshots of the gaming session I discussed above.

[Image of the happy moment]
I made this image for sharing with my relatives.use and today I am sharing online for everyone.

Colors used for Border and Background of this post
Color HSL RGB Hex
300°, 38.6%, 42.2% 149, 066, 149 #954295
300°, 37.8%, 85.5% 232, 204, 232 #E8CCE8

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Living with droughts and floods - 220829Mo

  Living with droughts and floods  
Version: 220829Mo
Other versions
Version Link
Nil nil
[ Solving droughts problem ]
Around a few decades ago through a cable TV program/talk-show I came to know that Balochistan was then continuously going through bad spells of droughts since few years. That news made me very upset and I started thinking what could be done and how Balochistan can be helped.
That drought situation of Balochistan continued after that year also and all that made me think on the matter more and more. I kept worrying and thinking and worrying and thinking about that matter and reached at a solution which looked reasonable and workable to me. Even after creating solution I kept working/thinking on the solution to make it simpler and generalized so that it could be implemented anywhere in the world. In fact I wanted to extend my solution to entire Pakistan. Here I am going to discuss my solution for the drought problem which is although neither easy nor cheap but still is a very necessary solution indeed.
My above mentioned idea/solution was based on the following generalized steps:
  1. Dig a lot of different sized lakes and wells all across the concerned area.
  2. Make system for pulling water from the sea.
  3. Pull required amount of water from the sea.
  4. Clean collected sea water completely to up to water’s molecule “H2O”.
  5. Fill lakes and wells with water collected from sea and completely cleaned.
  6. Create networks of canals and pipes for taking water from lakes and wells to its human and non-human consumers/users.
  7. Connect lakes and wells with each other with a network of canals and pipes.
  8. Release water in those canals and pipes.
  9. Provide water 24/7 throughout the year.
  10. Create similar system for filling rivers and streams during droughts.
To me the above described solution is right according to the requirement and is highly workable. According to me this solution can easily be adapted and implemented anywhere in the world without much change and difficulty.
Following diagram/flow-chart further explains my solution steps graphically.

[ Solving floods problem ]
From time to time, in rainy seasons, we get floods of different intensity in different areas of our country Pakistan. These floods cause losses of life and property of different intensity in different parts of the country. All this makes me very upset and sad and makes me to think what could be done to avoid and prevent losses of floods.
For solving above mentioned problem of losses due to floods I reached at a solution which looked workable to me. Here I am going to discuss that not easy but workable solution.
My above mentioned idea/solution for preventing losses due to floods is based on the solution I made for preventing loses due of droughts. Its steps are as follows:
  1. Create lakes and wells of different size all across the concerned area and keep them empty.
  2. Connect all these lakes and wells together with canals and pipes.
  3. Create canals and pipes for draining these lakes and wells into the sea.
  4. During rainy season fill lakes and wells, created for flood management, with flood water.
  5. During rainy seasons anticipating floods start empting lakes and wells, created for drought management, in the sea and start filling those lakes and wells with flood water from rivers, streams etc.
To me the above described solution is right according to the requirement and is highly workable. According to me this solution can also be adapted and implemented anywhere in the world without much change and difficulty.
Following diagram/flow-chart further explains my solution steps graphically.

Colors used for Border and Background of this post
Color HSL RGB Hex
216°, 59%, 45% 047, 101, 181 #2f65b5
216°, 76%, 87% 195, 216, 247 #c3d8f7

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

FancyProgressbar - 3 - (User Control) - 180430Sa

  FancyProgressbar - 3 (User control)  
Version: 180430Sa
Other versions
Version Link
141204We Fancy Progressbar - Ver 2 - C Sharp
170410Mo FG Progressbar 03.01 - 170410Mo
Few days ago I specially searched on hard-drive of computer for an application I had made some years ago in c# (c sharp) for demonstrating a progressbar (user control). I had made that demonstration applicaton for testing progressbar usercontrol I had made in c# (c sharp). After finding that application I ran it for some time and after testing/revising it's different options I took and saved some screen-shots at different levels/states of application. I did that for sharing online. I had named that progressbar "FancyProgressbar - 3".
In this blog entry I am going to discus that progressbar in some detail.
First the purpose of making this progressbar was to have a progressbar which can display progress status of the process over it. This progressbar can display, user chose-able, following type of information over it:
  1. Progress status/state
    1. Ready
    2. Working
    3. Cancel
    4. Error
    5. Complete
  2. Progress percent
    1. Completed
    2. Remaining
  3. Time
    1. Elapsed
    2. Remaining
Following are some screen-shots of the above mentioned progressbar demonstrating application I made in c#.

[ (1) Application loaded]
Application is loaded and is ready for use.
[(1a) Application tab is active]
Application tab, out of it's three tabs, is active.
[(1a1) Error generation]
Generate ERROR during process option (CheckBox) is checked/selected. Purpose of this option is to have ability to generate ERROR programmatically during process for testing purpose. When this option is checked process randomly aborts between progress percent of 33 to 66.
[(1a2) Progressbar width]
Progressbar with is modified (increased). Purpose of this option is to have ability for test application to change width of progressbar for testing.
[(1a3) Progressbar text]
Progressbar text options are expended. Purpose of this option is to give ability to select different combination of text/information over progressbar.
[(1a4) Process related]
[(1a4a) Start button clicked]
[Process is running . . .] Start button is clicked and process is started and is running. Progressbar background color is light-Blue and progressbar color is dark-Green. Progressbar is displaying from left to right progress percent completed, time elapsed, progress state i.e. working, Time remaining, progress percent remaining.
[Process completed successfully] Start button was clicked and process was started and process is completed successfully. Progressbar background color is light-Blue and progressbar color is dark-Green. Progressbar is displaying from left to right progress percent completed, time elapsed, progress state i.e. working, Time remaining, progress percent remaining.
[(1a4b) Cancel button clicked]
During a running process Cancel button is clicked and process aborted itself. Progressbar color is changed to Orange.
[(1a4c) ERROR generated]
During a running process ERROR is generated programmatically. This happened because "Error generation" CheckBox was checked. Progressbar color is changed to Red.
[(1b) Help tab is active]
Useful information about application are displayed in this Help tab
[(1b1) About and Author]
In this image About and Author sections of Help tab are visible. About section displays basic information about application. Author section displays basic information about author of application i.e. me "Khursheed Fateh".
[(1b2) How to Use]
Help tab's "How to Use" section in simple text describes/explains how to use this application.
[(1b3) Features of Progressbar]
"Features of Progressbar" section of Help tab describes and explains different features of this application. This section is further divided into 2 parts. (Labels: Three type of information displayed over progressbar), (Status: Five status options for progressbar).
[(1c) Exit tab is active]
User can EXIT from this application only from here. This tab displays a button with text "EXIT FROM HERE". Clicking this button closes this application. This button occupies entire area of the tab and has red background color and white text color.
[(1d) Application Exiting methods]
[(1d1) Application System menu is expanded]
Application's system menu is expanded by clicking on the application/form icon on Left-Top of the application form.
[(1d2a) Close button of form is clicked]
Close button of the form situated on the right-top of the form is clicked and this opens a Hint window explaining how to exit from application.
[(1d2b) Close option of System menu clicked]
First application/form icon on the left top of the formis clicked. Second System menu is displayed. Third Close option from System menu is clicked. This opens a Hint window explaining how to exit from application.
[(1d2c) Alt+F4 is pressed on Keyboard]
Alt+F4 key combination is pressed from keyboard and this opens a Hint window explaining how to exit from application.
Colors used for Border and Background of this post
Color HSL RGB Hex
174°, 52%, 33% 40, 128, 119 #fcba03
174°, 62%, 90% 213, 245, 242 #d5f5f2

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.