Wednesday, June 29, 2022

RGB Color space all colors (RGB24) - 201020Tu

  RGB Color space all colors - RGB24  
Version: 201020Tu
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Few years ago while going through different websites for getting some information about RGB color generation on computer I somehow stumbled upon a page of Wikipedia. Now today in 2022, I feel happy that I stayed at that Wikipedia page for enough time and did not move to some other page in any hurry. Information on that page was very interesting. Actually someone had made and shared an image containing all colors as individual pixels available in color-space RGB 24 bits.
Since then I started wondering how I can make such a interesting image myself. I was already playing with digital colors for decades and had already made different applications in different software for displaying all available colors in different color spaces. But this idea of having all available colors in one image looked worth a try to me. So I decided to give it a try. .
On PkT 2020 Oct 20 Tue, AM 02:01, UTC+05:00 I practically started making an application for generating images having all color-space RGB 24 bit colors available in them. After achieving required result I kept on experimenting with the code and made different algorithms for generating the required image. In one category of code I took colors in RGB color-space 24 bit as a 3D grid with size of each dimension 256 pixels. On each axis I named each position on any particular axis as a slice ranging from 0 to 255. Then I created code for plotting each slice for any axis from that grid as a 64 by 64 grid tiles on the target image.
Following are some screen-shots of the above mentioned application I made in c# for every one.

[Application loaded]
Application is loaded and is ready for use.
[Application's menu Action]
Application's menu option "Action" expanded.
[Application's menu Action/Process]
Application's menu option "Action / Process" expanded.
[Application's menu Help]
Application's menu option "Help" expanded.
[Application's menu Help/About]
Application's menu option "Help / About" selected.
[Application's menu Help/UserInterface]
Application's menu option "Help / UserInterface" selected.
[Application's menu Help/HowToUse]
Application's menu option "Help / HotToUse" selected.
[Application menu Help/Copyright]
Application's option "Help / Copyright" selected.
[Application Property section: Color depth]
Application's Propery section's "Image Color Depth" OptionList expended.
[Application's Properties Image generation method menu]
Application's Properties "Image Generation Method" options menu expended..
[Application's Properties Image generation method: RGB]
Application's  Properties "Image Generation Method" options menu "RGB" expended.
[Propert'S Image generation method: RGB/RGB]
Application's Propert's Image generation method options menu "RGB / RGB" selected.
[Generating RGB/RGB image]
Application is generationg target Image using RGB/RGB method.
[GB/RGB Image generated]
Target RGB/RGB image generated and displayed
[Property's Image generation method: RGB/GRB]
Application's Property's Image generation method options menu "RGB / GRB" selected.
[Generating RGB/GRB image]
Application is generationg target Image using RGB/GRB method.
[RGB/GRB image generated]
Target RGB/GRB image generated and displayed.
[Property's Image generation method: RGB/BRG]
Application's Property's Image generation method options menu "RGB / BRG" selected.
[Generating RGB/BGR image]
Application is generationg target Image using RGB/BGR method.
[RGB/BGR Image generated]
Target RGB/BGR image generated and displayed.
Colors used for Border and Background of this post
Color HSL RGB Hex
044, 98%, 50% 186, 136, 3 #fcba03
044, 96%, 90% 254, 240, 203 #fef0cb

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.