Friday, October 21, 2016

Jinnah National Highway Grid - JNHG

Jinnah National Highway Grid
(Proposed Top level highway grid in Pakistan)
      I once, about 5 to 10 years ago, thought why not Pakistan have a number of almost equidistant highways running from it's top to bottom almost parallel to each other. And another number of almost equidistant highways running from it's left to right almost parallel to each other and also connecting top-to-bottom highways where they meet
      And at the same time I also thought that all these top-to-bottom highways will end at bottom near some sea-port. Where there is already a sea-port it is OK but where required a new sea-port, as good looking as we see in english movies, will be made.
      And I continued to think that economic development will be spread around these highways as per requirement of the area and it's people . These development will not be made directly beside highways but on some distance from highways. This way highways will remain away from rush of developed areas.
      And I also thought that there will be two types of highways running side by side. One for heavy traffic and another for light traffic, both multi-lane. Maximum number of lanes for either type of highway were not decided. But there will be separate road for going and coming traffic, with island between them, was decided. One more idea was to make light traffic highway on pattern of 'autobahn' of Germany with no upper speed limit.
      As far as it's utilization fees was concerned I made two ideas:
●-(First idea was to make these highways totally utilization fees free.)
●-(Second idea was to charge utilization fees from it's users based on each vehicle's weight and length of highway utilized.)
Other then above options tokens of Rs100, Rs200, Rs500, Rs1000 will be made available to highway users so that they can optionally purchase them in any number in the name of maintenance of highways.
      Another parallel idea was to have railway lines running parallel to both type of these top-to-bottom and left-to-right highways.
      So any one using these networks of highways and trains can move from anywhere to anywhere using connecting trains/buses etc. Therefore increasing economic and social activity nation wide.
      You can see in the following map a rough idea of that 'network of highway' proposed/planed/designed by me (Khursheed Fateh).


From where I got these ideas?
      Above idea is based on highway grid of a far-flung country, which is other-wise very near to our heart, where a number of highways move horizontally and vertically throughout the country. I came to know about that highway system while watching some travel videos and then after searching about highways in those videos and thinking and re-thinking I made my above Ideas.

Monday, October 10, 2016

CHUTLA Tower #02

CHUTLA Tower # 02
      Few years ago during and after watching 'Mega Structur' type of programs on tv an idea visited my mind to make good looking high-rise building designs myself.
      Since then I made a few designs using different used or in-use materials. And also some time on computer using different softwares like microsoft paint and autodesk AutoCad.
      This building's design and name is based on choti 'braid/plait' of young and beautiful women. Which is inspiring artists and poets for million of years.
      As it looks it is a very complicated design. I do not know whether it is so far possible or not to make it on ground in real world.
      For making this tower I used clay with which my niece "Ishi' play. And then made this video of the tower with my mobile nokia c1-01 in our lawn and did post-production of video in microsoft Movie Maker on Pentium 3 running windows XP. 


      It was an over all good and enjoyable experience

Monday, October 3, 2016

Happy 1000 PageViews - (2016 Oct 03 Mon)

on 2016 Oct 03 Mon
my this Blog reached 1000 page views mark
A lot of THANKS to visitors
Please keep visiting this blog and tell others about it
Congratulations to me also