Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Some moments with butterflies - 20200514

Some moments with butterflies
Photos taken by me on 2020 May 14 Thu and 31 Sun
One day while watching wild plants and grass grown on there on in empty plot beside our home my eyes fell on a yellowish colored little butterfly. That butterfly kept flying near my feet as I was moving from here to there randomly watching plants and thinking something at the same time. Suddenly an idea visited my mind and that idea was to capture that butterfly to show to my niece. So I quickly looked around searching for something for catching that butterfly and found an clean and empty plastic box.
I picked that plastic box and started chasing that little but intelligent butterfly. It took me some time and effort in catching that butterfly. After capturing that little cute looking butterfly I silently went inside my home and moved that butterfly to a bigger and better looking plastic box and made holes in roof of the box for air circulation.
I was trying to keep this adventure secret because I wanted to show cached butterfly to my niece as a surprise. When I showed butterfly to my niece she was really and highly surprised and enjoyed more than very much. She played with that butterfly by moving box up and down. After playing for some hours she asked me how she will get food and water. After that she asked me to let butterfly go free. In morning I had captured that butterfly and in evening I let her free in our lawn.
Following are two of many photos I took of that above mentioned little butterfly.


After a few days of capturing and releasing that little butterfly one evening while I was sitting in our lawn my eyes fell on a butterfly flying over flowers of different plants in our lawn. May be as a sequence of previous adventure I quickly took a plastic box and slowly, slowly walked closer to where that butterfly was flying. After making some high precision calculations I tried and captured the butterfly. This time butterfly was a little bigger in size and darker in color.
Again as a surprise I showed it to my niece and she was again very surprised to see a different looking butterfly. She played with it, kept watching it flying from here to there in plastic box. After some hours, on request/order of my niece, I released it in lawn of our home at the same spot from where I had captured it few hours earlier.
Following are three of many photos I took of that above mentioned butterfly.


I found these images in HDD of my PC already edited so I decided to upload them on different sites.
Colors used in this post
Border color rgb(128,  96,   0) #806000
Background color rgb(255, 210, 77) #FFD24D

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.

China rose of our lawn - 20200513

China rose of our lawn
Photos taken by me on 2020 May 13 Wed
Now a days we have 2 plants of China rose in our lawn. Both plants give flowers of red color and have leaves of white and green color. There folower are good looking and are around 5inches in diameter. Even when they do not flower their leaves give good atraction.
Following are photos of flowers of above mentioned China rose plant.


I found these images in HDD of my PC and decided to edit and upload them on different sites.
Colors used in this post:
Border color rgb(224, 17, 95) #E0115F
Background color rgb(247, 194, 214) #F7C2D6

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Artistic green DIY by my niece - 202005

Artistic green DIY by my niece
DIY during COVID_19 LockDown
For keeping ourself bussy during COVID_19 lock down I and my niece, studing in 1st class, made a fantastic idea of planting some seeds. To avoid her going out doors I gave her some options, keeping in my mind her interests, and she finalised what I am sharing in the following text.
She under my always present guidence took following steps for achieving her target:
0)_I made holes on both ends of 6 eggs. Wider hole on wider end and very narrow hole on narrow end for water drainage purpose.
1)_She painted empty egg shells as they become available.
2)_She filled good soil from our lawn in those shells.
3)_She sowed following seeds in them.
  1. Sunflower
  2. Tomato
  3. Green chillies
  4. Watermalon
  5. Coriandar
(Office time was planted by me)
4)_She placed them in a soil filled container.
5)_She placed container indoors, in an area with no direct sun light.
6)_She kept watering them every 2nd day.
*)_They all sprouted.
Following are photos of egg shells with seedlings during different stages.


Although my niece took great interest in this activity but when seeds started sprouting, one after another, her excitement was at top during entire project..