Friday, February 3, 2023

kfProgressbar - 5 - 190724We

  kfProgressbar - 5  
Version: 190724We
Other versions
Version Link
141204We Fancy Progressbar - Ver 2 - C Sharp
170410Mo FG Progressbar 03.01 - 170410Mo
180430Sa FancyProgressbar - 3 - (User Control) - 180430Sa
Some years ago I had made a good looking Progress Bar with advanced graphic look and feel as a User-Control in c sharp. Before making that user-control I had made an application for trying and testing various different styles for my intended progressbar. My idea for making that kind of progressbar was to show progress steps graphically during on going progress.
In June of year 2022 I searched on hard-drive of computer for the final version of the above mentioned application. That application was it self the first version of progressbar of its category. I had searched for that application, mentioned above, mostly to revisit a dimension of my past. After finding that application I ran it and during that session I kept going back in time again and again. I ran that application a few more times and after revising its different options I took and saved some screen-shots at different levels/states of the application. I did that for sharing online. I had named that progressbar "kfProgressbar - 5".
In this blog entry I am going to discus that progressbar in some detail.
Main purpose of making this graphical progressbar was to have a progressbar which can also display information about running progress at sub-steps like at every percent of the progress. This progressbar also displays "amount of work" and "time consumed for the work" for each percentage of work completed besides displaying information for total progress.
Following are some screen-shots of the above mentioned progressbar demonstrating application I made in c#.

[ (0) Application loaded]
Application is loaded and is ready for use.
[(0a) Process related]
[(0a1) Start button Clicked.]
[(0a1) Process is running . . .] Start button is clicked and process is started and is running. Progressbar is displaying progress information as a graph. At top it is displaying information about work completed and at bottom it is displaying time consumed for completed work.
[(0a2) Process completed successfully] Start button was clicked and process was started and process is completed successfully.
[(0a2) Process canciled]
During a running process Cancel button is clicked and process aborted itself.
[(0b) Application Help form displayed]
"Show help" button is clicked and useful information about application are displayed in the Help form
Colors used for Border and Background of this post
Color HSL RGB Hex
30°, 100%, 50% 255, 128, 0 #ff8000
31°, 100%, 90% 255, 230, 204 #ffe6cc

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.