Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Color mixer in c-Sharp - 210304Th

  Color mixer in c-Sharp  
Version: 210304Th
Other versions
Version Link
None No other versions available yet
Few months ago, one evening, I was sitting in TV lounge of our home and watching some TV program. My niece came to me and asked in her soft voice "How to know what color is made by mixing any two colors?". I said "mix any two colors and you will know". She said "No! Without mixing any colors". I tried to find and give some answer to my niece but had no idea.
Therefore instead of answering, somehow, I went into thoughts and started thinking how to give a useful answer to my niece. During same thinking session I wondered why not I make an application for my niece for solving this problem. An application in which my niece can mix any two colors to get the resulting color.
After getting this idea I started making the above mentioned application in c#. I made more than one version of the application to test the look and feel of different type of user-interface and code-logic. The version of the above mentioned application I am sharing/discussing here is n-layer based.
Following are some screen-shots of the above mentioned application I made in c# for my niece.

[Application Preview]
Application's preview.
[Application How to Use]
For selecting new color click "Choose color A" and/or "Choose color B" in menu "Action/Select colors/[Choose color A | Choose color B] or in toolbar "Choose color A | Choose color B" or in form right of "Select color" and under "Color A" and/or "Color B" boxes.
For randomly select new "Color A" and/or "Color B" click in menu "Action/Random colors/[Method 1 | Method 2]" or in toolbar's "Random color" part "Method 1" and/or "Method 2".
"Method 1" generates randomly new values for "Color A" and "Color B" and constant value "50%" for 'Color blend %" for "Color A" and "Color B". "Method 2" generates randomly new values for "Color A", "Color B" and "Color blen %" values for "Color A" and "Color B".

[Application at start]
Application in it's initializing phase. At this phase application initializes itself based on default settings and  settings saved in previous session .
[Application started]
Application's main form loaded and is ready for use.
[Application's menu File]
Application's menu option "File" expanded.
[Application's menu Action]
Application's menu option "Action" expanded.
[Application's mulenu Action/Select colors]
Application's menu option "Action/Select colors" expanded.
[Application's menu Action/Random colors]
Application's menu option "Action/Random colors" expanded.
[Application's menu Help]
Application's menu option "Help" expanded.
[Application's menu option Help/About]
Application's menu option "Help/About" clicket.
[Application's menu option Help/Purpose]
Application's menu option "Help/Purpose" clicked.
[Application's menu Help/Main form]
Application's menu option "Help/Main form" expanded.
[Application's menu Help/Color picker
Application's menu option "Help/Color picker" expanded.
[Application's menu Help/Copyright]
Application's menu "Help/Coplyright" clicked.
[Application's Color selecter form]
Application's Color selector/picker form displayed. In this form user can select color via Named-color, Color-picker or Comon-colors..
[Color selected ]
Some samples of main form after color is selected via Color selector form
[Application at End]
Application's in it's closing phase. At this phase application saves it's different settings and status..

Colors used for Border and Background of this post
Color HSL RGB Hex
306, 94%, 45% 224, 007, 203 #e007cb
306, 38%, 79% 222, 182, 218 #deb6da

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.