Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Some moments with butterflies - 200514Th

  Some moments with butterflies  
(Photos taken by me on 2020 May 14 Thu and 31 Sun)
Version: 200514Th
One day, while observing the wild plants and grass growing in the empty plot beside our home, I noticed a yellowish-colored little butterfly. As I wandered around randomly, admiring the plants and lost in thought, the butterfly kept fluttering near my feet, following my every move. Suddenly, an idea struck me: to catch the butterfly and show it to my niece. I quickly scanned my surroundings, searching for something to catch it with, and spotted a clean, empty plastic box.
I grabbed the plastic box and began chasing the quick and clever butterfly. After a brief pursuit, I finally managed to catch it. Once I had captured the delicate creature, I quietly entered my home and transferred it to a larger, more attractive plastic box and made airholes in the lid for ventilation.
I wanted to keep this adventure a secret, so I could surprise my niece with the captured butterfly. When I finally revealed it to her, she was utterly astonished and delighted beyond words. She enthusiastically played with the butterfly, gently moving the box up and down. While playing with the butterfly she asked about how to feed and hydrate the butterfly. So, I explained that butterflies sip nectar from flowers and drink water, and then I placed a variety of fresh flowers in the box and added a small dish of fresh water for the butterfly to enjoy. Soon after, she asked me to set the butterfly free. I had caught the butterfly in the morning, and by evening, I released it back into our lawn, where it flew away freely.
Following are two of many photos I took of that above mentioned little butterfly.


A few days after releasing the little butterfly, I was sitting in our lawn one evening when I spotted a new butterfly flitting over the flowers of various plants. Perhaps inspired by my previous adventure, I swiftly grabbed a plastic box and cautiously approached the butterfly, moving slowly and deliberately. After careful calculation, I made a precise grab and captured the butterfly. This time, the butterfly was slightly larger and had a darker hue.
Once again, I surprised my niece with the new butterfly, and she was thrilled to see a different species. She delightedly played with it, mesmerized by its flight as it fluttered around the plastic box. After some hours, at my niece's request, I released the butterfly back into our lawn, returning it to the exact spot where I had captured it just hours earlier.
Following are three of many photos I took of that above mentioned butterfly.


I found these images in HDD of my PC already edited so I decided to upload them on different sites.
Colors used in this post
Border color rgb(128,  96,   0) #806000
Background color rgb(255, 210, 77) #FFD24D

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.

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