Thursday, August 18, 2016

My gardening adventure cc 2011

My gardening adventure cc 2011
      These following flower plants and some other plants were planted by me in some neighboring parks in and around year 2011. I used to water them every few days as well, which I usually took from home in different size canes as per requirement. Smallest cane I used was 1 ltr bottle and largest 15 ltr plastic cane. Some times I made more then one trip with 15ltr water cane to parks. Carrying 15ltr cane full of water was not very easy task. All plants I planted in different parks took roots and were growing and looking very good. And they were good addition to parks and I saw myself children and their elders enjoying view ot them.
      I then often used to wonder why gardeners of those parks do not plants any fancy plants like I successfully did. Once then even I asked some gardeners about it and their answer was that they only plant those plants which other then having good looks are ruf and tuf and can with stand those days when parks have shortage of water or electricity or water motor malfunction.
      Then after some years I stopped going to parks for morning walk or any other reason because of first lake of interest and second, strangely, all my friends also stopped going to parks for morning walk. I got bored of walking and walking and walking, for 10 km, and then coming back all alone. Before we used to walk and talk and also at end of walk we also used to have a small talking session of around 30 minutes in parks as well, without any special topic.
      After some years I specially went to park to see how plants planted by me are performing. I was stunt to see that almost all of them died. I think all plants planted by me died because of lake of interest from gardeners of parks or water or electricity shortage or water motor malfunction. And also because especially I stopped watering them because of my health and lake of interest.

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