Saturday, September 17, 2016

Big city Traffic easing method - 2016

Big city Traffic easing method
      A few years ago a lot of over pases, under pases and signal free corridors were made on mass scale in Karachi/Sindh/Pakistan (mostly during Gen. Musharef rule) to make traffic flow smooth and free of a lot of brakes. While thinking about these roads and re-searching on net about solutions for the same problem I got a new idea
      Idea was to make main roads of Karachi/Sindh/Pakistan multistory from start to end with both level of roads getting connected together on each/every Intersection. Intersection on each level was to be made mostly of 'cloverleaf intersection' or some variation of 'whirlpool intersection'. Because they are only 2 story high and provide Strait, Left and Right turns. 'Cloverleaf intersection' also provide U turn and with small effort 'whirlpool intersection' can also provide U turn easily. Both levels were to be connected together by connecting intersections on both levels.
      But that is not all. I went ahead with my thinking and planning and made another new idea. And this time idea was to design roads of big cities like Karachi/Sindh/Pakistan on pattern of graph paper. Where dark lines represent main roads. This method provides main roads to each part of city evenly. And any one can move from one part of city to another part of city using any of so many possibilities present. Thus reducing chance of choking any part of road-system. Another benefit of this design of road-system is that bus routs can be made in a lot of ways to provide even opportunities to every part of city.
      To further ease traffic on this road-system a rule can be made according to which buses will always move on 1st level of road-system. Taxis and rickshaws will move on 1st level of road-system only for searching-for, picking and delivering of passengers, otherwise they will move on 2nd level of road-system. Personal vehicles like cars, motorcycles will move on 2nd level except on start and stop points. People on shopping/window-shopping mission will use 1st level at start and end point and 2nd level in between of their journey. People on tourism mission will use any level. Plus any other vehicle doing short distance travel will use 1st level and long distance travel will use 2nd level. This is only beginning version of 'traffic easing rule'. Final version will be made after analyzing actual traffic for some years and using Computer for generating possible solutions, based on collected information, for further easing traffic on road-system.
      I will add diagram of what I said/wrote above some time else here. 

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