Monday, January 17, 2022

My concept mobile - 220117Mo

  My concept mobile  
Version: 220117Mo
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Although I never had any interest in having any kind of mobile, but still I have had interest in acquiring information about different kind of mobiles. Mobile’s size, color, abilities and price used to be my main interest. With passage of time information I was gathering about mobiles slowly, slowly started to create an idea in my mind about my concept mobile.

[ Basic features so far of my concept mobile. ]
Following is the summery outline of the basic features of my concept mobile.
Basic features so far of my concept mobile are
It’s price and maintenance will be affordable.
It’s processor will be fast, accurate and durable.
It’s display screen will have a good size with ratio of 1.77.
It’s resources e.g. memory, battery charge etc will not end/get-consumed easily/quickly.
It’s design and color will be attractive.
It’s abilities of networking and contacting with other devices will be of high quality.
It’will be made of many panels giving it look of a book/copy/etc. Each panel will be for a particular purpose e.g. display, memory, batteries etc.
Plus It will have features I am not discussing in this post/article. May be I will discus them in next blog posts/articles here.

In this background a few days ago on one cold night of January 2022 my eyes fell upon an out of use cardboard box in the dining room of our home. I quickly made an idea of making a prototype of my above discussed concept mobile from it. For this purpose I took a small sized kitchen knife and cut that cardboard box according to the required measurements. I actually made four rectangular pieces having size nearly like smart mobile phones. Then I fixed those four rectangular pieces together using masking tape in such a way that those pieces took the shape of a copy/book/etc.
[ Mobile's different panels explained ]
First think of my concept mobile as a book/copy. Just like a book/copy have front and back covers and pages in between it's covers my mobile will have front panel, rear panel and a few more panels in between it's front and rear panels. Mobile’s each panel will be for one or more specific purpose as explained below.
[ (a) - Front panel ]
This panel will contain display screen, front/selfie camera, many slots for SIM's and mobile's mother-board, processor etc.
[ (b) - Rear panel ]
This panel will contain rear cameras and many batteries. Idea is to make mobile continuesly work at full capacity for a full month after a full charge.
[ (c) - In between panels ]
They will be set of a few panels as explained in the following.
[ (c-1) - Memory panel ]
 This panel will have a lot of slots for installing Ram, Internal and External storage media. This mobile will have single memory-set working as RAM and Internal memory with capacity of multiple of Terabytes.
[ (c-2) - SIM panel ]
 This panel will have a lot of slots for installing a lot of SIM's in it. (Update: Mobile will not have this panel.Slots for sim will be available in front panel)
[ (c-3) - Expansion panel ]
 This panel will have a lot of slots for installing expansion cards for increasing features of mobile and/or adding feature to mobile.
[ (c-4) - Battery panel ]
 This panel will have a lot of slots for installing batteries. Idea is to make mobile continuesly work at full capacity for a full month after a full charge.
[ My concept mobile's different panels ]
Panels of my concept mobile are explained in the following photo.

In the following I will further explain my concept mobile with the help of photos I took of it’s above mentioned basic prototype. These photos will also describe steps I took during making prototype of my concept mobile.
[ Step # 1 ]
In this step I got two rectangular cardboard pieces of same size by cutting a out of use cardboard box using a small kitchen knife. Knife can be seen in the photo for "Step # 2".

[ Step # 2 ]
In this step I got four rectangular pieces of the same size by cutting the two pieces I got in the previous step "Step # 1". For cutting I used the small kitchen knife and for measuring size of required panels I used thread. Both can be seen in the following photo for this step "Step # 2".

[ Step # 3 ]
After getting four cardboard pieces, as described in the above steps, I attached all those four pieces together with the help of a masking tape. Their final shape and purpose is described in the following photo of this step "Step # 3".

[ Front and Rear view of mobile prototype ]
Following are the photos of my concept mobile displaying it's front and rear view. After making this prototype I made an idea that mobile will be of almost the same size as this prototype is.

Colors used for Border and Background of this post
Color HSL RGB Hex
0, 0%, 50% 127, 127, 127 #7f7f7f
0, 0%, 89% (228, 228, 228 #e4e4e4

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.