Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Gifts from brother Farooq - 200924Sa

  Gifts from brother Farooq  
(Photos taken by me on 2020 Sep 24 Sat)
Version: 200924Sa
Today our brothor Farooq gave us some tasty gifts. One box of something I do not know name of, from "DACCA sweets and Bakers" and some Turkish nans from some nan wala.
Following are the photos I took of above mentioned gifts using my mobile nokia c1-01.

BONUS: Following are photos of a lot of good looking and tasty bananas on table in our dinning room. I took these photos using my mobile nokia c1-01.

Colors used in this post:
Border color rgb(153, 102, 0) #996600
Background color rgb(255, 221, 153) #FFDD99

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Color RGB Tint Shade Tone - 200919Sa

  Color RGB Tint Shade Tone  
(ColorRgbTintShadeTone [2] based on an inspiration)
Version: 200919Sa
Until a few days ago I was sitting as an attendant with my niece during her online classes. I was not only enjoying those study sessions but was also revising my earlier school days. One day during online class session in drawing class teacher taught about colors, especially how tint and shade from any color can be made, giving practical examples. This was new to me so I also took keen interest in the class.
Drawing teacher was teaching that for making tint of any source color we mix source color with white color and for making shade of any source color we mix source color with black color. Tint is lighter then source color and shade is darker then source color. As much white color we mix with source color as much tint (lighter version of source color) we get. As much black color we mix with source color as much shade (darker version of source color) we get.
I am trying and making since around one year some interesting and simple computer educational games for my niece, based on her school lessons. This time also I made an idea of making a simple computer application for my niece so that she can play with colors, tints and shades. As a side effect and/or bonus I will also get opportunity to play with colors, tints and shades.
Application's user interface is simple and easy to understand. I named this application ColorRgbTintShadeTone. On the top left of the application are menu options and on the top right are toolbar options. At the bottom is status line and under it is progress bar. In between is the play area.
In play area Under Action column:
To the right of the RGB is the area for color selection via track bar.
To the right of the Tint is the area for Tint selection via track bar.
To the right of the Shade is the area for Shade selection via track bar.
To the right of the Tone is the area for Tone selection via track bar. (Not made yet).
In play area Under Value column:
To the right of RGB player can select respective values for Red, Green and/or Blue via menu.
To the right of Tint player can select Tint value via menu.
To the right of Shade player can select Shade value via menu.
To the right of Tone player can select Tone value via menu. (Not made yet).
In play area Under Parts column to the right of RGB, colors for Red, Green and Blue selections are displayed.
In play area Under View column:
To the right of RGB, Color made by Red, Green and Blue selection is displayed.
To the right of Tint, selected Tint of the color is displayed.
To the right of Shade, selected Shade of the color is displayed.
To the right of Tone, selected Tone of the color is displayed.
(Right now it displays random color).
Following are the photos/screenshots of the application I described above.

Application looks like this.
Application looks like this at start while initializing.
Application looks like this at End while saving settings.

Colors used in this post:
Border color rgb(0, 153, 153) #009999
Background color rgb(204, 255, 255) #CCFFFF

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Bye bye Goldi FISHY - 200905Sa

  Bye bye Goldi FISHY  
(Photos taken by me on 2020 Sep 05 Sat)
Version: 200905Sa
We have a good looking aquarium since a few years which was brought by parents of my niece for turtle which we had during those times. Because I thought that the aquarium they brought was not fit for turtle so we ended up not keeping our turtle in that aquarium. .
But then parents of my niece brought a pair of good looking golden fish as a present for her birthday therefore that aquarium became home of small and beautiful fresh water fishes since then. We kept adding more fishes to that aquarium from time to time. Some time we had as many as around 10 fishes in that aquarium and some time as less as around 2 fishes. I do not know why but fishes kept dying in regular intervals although we do clean aquarium regularly and change it's entire water at the same time also..
I observed that almost on all of the times when our fishes died their body started floating at the surface of the water in the aquarium. A few days ago a beautiful colored golden fish from our aquarium died but it's body remained at the bottom of the aquarium. Before dyeing that fish kept swimming on or near the bottom of the aquarium for a few days as if she was having problem in swimming up wards.
For safety of other fishes in the aquarium I shifted the sik fish to another fish bowl. I kept observing that fish very closely and regularly as slowly, slowly she stopped moving and then become totally still and remained still for around a day. There was no movement of her gills as well.
Then I decided to remove that fish from the bowl I was keeping her since a few days. But before removing that beautiful golden fish from that bowl I took a few photos of her as a pictorial bookmark.
Following are the photos I took of above mentioned Golden fish using my mobile nokia c1-01.


Colors used in this post:
Border color rgb(0, 0, 0) #000000
Background color rgb(230, 230, 230) #E6E6E6

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.