Monday, January 1, 2018

Laptop of My dreams - 2018

Laptop of My dreams - 2018
(A laptop I am making in my mind since some years)
Since some years, may be around at least a decade, I am thinking about, making in my mind, a computer which will be able to fit my requirements. And while doing so I am also making a laptop in my mind side by side. For example how it will look, what parts it will have. What it will be able to do. etc.
Although I was thinking and thinking again and again but things were not fitting together as I wanted them to fit. But suddenly a very important part of idea came from word 'Notebook'. Idea was that as there can be many pages in notebook why not have same type of arrangement in laptop. Laptops now a days already have 2 pages. One is it's display and other is it's remaining part. This idea simplified every thing for my dream laptop design.
Specifications of my dream laptop, in simple words, are as follows:
(1)_Overall look: It will have a big screen may be something around 20" so laptop will be large and thick and heavy.
(2)_Multi-paged: It's chassis/body will have more then 2 pages. Each containing a specific part. It's pages are described bellow.
(2a)_Display page: This will be top page and will contain laptop's display. Laptop will support either one or three displays. In case of three displays one called main display will be attached to laptop's chassis and remaining two called left display and right display will be attached to respective sides of main display. Both left and right displays will open and close like door and will have 2 way displays. So opening all displays for doing simple task will not be necessary.
(2b)_Keyboard page: This will be second from top page and will contain desktop like full size Keyboard, track pad etc only. Most chances are that this page will be totally like touch screen. So it will be possible to arrange it's contents in a lot of ways.
(2c)_Motherboard page: As is obvious from name this page will contain laptop's mother board and also main HDD etc.
(2d)_RAM page: This page will contain board with lot of slots for RAMs. Thus this facility will allow laptop to have huge quantity of RAM.
(2e)_Processor page: This page will contain board with a lot of slots for Processors. Suppose there will be N number of slots in this board. Idea is that Processors will be able to work as an individual or as a group of 2 or more processors. Meaning either N processors will work separately OR all as a one processor OR in any combination posibble between these 2 situations. Thus giving very great and versatile computing abilities to laptop.
(2f)_HDD page: This page will contain facility to attach a lot of HDD/SDD etc in it. So giving laptop ability to have huge quantity of external storage.
(2g)_Battery+Adapter page: This will be bottom page and will contain facility for attaching more then one powerful batteries. Plus this page will also contain built in adapter because carrying external adapter with laptop do not look good to me. Idea is that batteries will be so powerful that they will last for a weak while laptop continuously doing all power consuming task in parallel through out this time.
(*) It will be possible to have more then one page for any category  of page except display-page. Meaning this way it will be possible to have more then one motherboard OR more processing power OR more RAM OR more external storage OR more battery power etc in my dream Laptop.

If there are any mistakes then I will surely remove them whenever found.


1 comment:

  1. [2018Jan01Mon]I used an application made by me in C# for selecting this post's colors and this was so easy to do. This application displays colors in HSB space and allows selection of color and displays selected color's RGB and HSB numeric values.
