Wednesday, January 8, 2025

The last sunset of the year 2024 - 241231Tu

  The last sunset of the year 2024  
Blog post ID: 241231Tu
Other versions
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I've been fascinated with capturing life's moments since I received a smart-phone as a gift a few years ago. I often take random photos and videos of nature especially people, places, and things that catch my attention. Two things that have particularly captivated me are the sky – especially clouds and the moon. I'm drawn to the patterns of cascading clouds of different shades and tints of gray and the moon's beauty, particularly during sunset and full moon nights.
One day, I had an idea to capture the last sunset of the year. I eagerly waited for the last day of the year, but unfortunately, I completely forgot about my plan. The following year, I set an alarm on my phone, but the sky was filled with clouds at the right moment. The next year, I set the alarm again, but I was busy with work and reached the rooftop of our home about five minutes late.
This year, I hadn't set any reminders, but I still remembered my old plan a few days before the end of the year. I kept reminding myself that I had to try again. I made my way to the rooftop a little earlier than sunset, readied my phone, and waited for the perfect moment. And then, it happened – I captured some stunning photos and a video of the year's final sunset. Masha ALLAH!.
After years of attempts, I finally succeeded in capturing the last sunset of the year. Today's achievement was truly rewarding, making all the previous tries worthwhile.
After required number of days I again went to Passport office Sadder Karachi and this time I got my first green Pakistani passport.
M A S H A     A L L A H
In the following section I am sharing one of the photos I took during above discused session of observing and recording the last Sunset of the year 2024. I took this photo with the camera of my mobile phone and edetid the photo on the same mobile. I tried more then one look and I am sharing all of my tries.

Bye bye 2024. Welcome 2025

Following are the different edited versions of the photo I selected for shareing online.
Version: 1

Version: 2

Version: 3

Version: 4

Version: 5

Version: 6 (final version)

Colors used for Border and Background of this post
Color HSL RGB Hex
057°,  048%, 033% 125, 121, 044 #7d792c
059°, 048%, 072% 219, 216, 153 #dbd899

[ Note: ] From this post I am going to use "Blog post ID" instead of "Version". I think this is clearer.

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.