Saturday, May 20, 2023

China sheet maintenance by me - 230508Mo

  China sheet maintenance by me  
(My DIY activity at home while alone.)
Version: 230508Mo
Other versions
Version Link
nil No other versions so far.
On the relatively hot evening of 2023 May 04 Thursday, when I pressed the ceiling fan button on the china sheet electric board fixed on a wall of my bedroom, top of the button popped out. I fixed that back in it's place and found that it was still doing it's job on gentle press. To solve that problem myself I started searching on the net about how to solve the problem and found some simple and workable methods.
Therefore on 2023 May 08 Monday I went to the nearby market and brought the desired button of the same design from there. I found the matching button at the third shop I went to. First two shops I went to had simpler version of the button. Shopkeeper of the third shop was very kind person as, for me, he removed the required button from a new China sheet.
Just before I was about to start the button replacement work I got an idea of taking pictures of my work at every stage/step. Except for one or two stages I took pictures of all stages/steps. I missed those stages because I was too much concentrating on the work and totally forgot about taking photos of those stages/steps.
I am explaining my above mentioned work in the following with the help of text and photos. There were many distinct stages/steps of my work and I am discussing them all in separate sections in the following.

[ Preview ]
This image is preview of my DIY work I did while I was alone at home.

[ (1): Start ]
I took this photo at start of the work. By chance I got an idea of taking photos of my this DIY work. In this photo fan button can be seen in on position. I kept fan on during most of the work.
[ (2): Fan button's top removed ]
I removed top part of the fan button and this exposed a rectangular hole containing a smaller rectangular hole in it's middle. A copper like mettle part was visible inside the smaller hole. Surprisingly, whenever I touched the topside of that metal with the tester, the fan started running and whenever I touched the bottom side of that metal with the tester, the fan stopped running.
[ (2a): Normal view ]
Normal view.
[ (2b): Close-up view ]
Closer view of the fan button's hole.
[ (2c): Button top's back side view ]
View of the fan button from it's back side.
[ (2d): Parts of button's top ]
After removing top part of the fan button I took it's photos from different angles. Fan button's top part was made of three parts. First white colored top made of thermosetting plastic. Second spring made of some metel. Third a small tube made of copper. First part is for switching fan on and off. Second part is for putting pressure on the third part. Third part is for making or breaking circuit.
[ (2d1): From bottom side ]
View of different parts of button's top part.
[ (2d2): From top side ]
View of different parts of button's top part.
[ (3): Removing sheet cover ]
With the help of a beautiful electricity tester I started removing china sheet cover. Because it was first time that I was removing sheet cover therefore while removing the sheet cover, my main concern was that I should not even accidentally break it. Very slowly and very carefully I kept trying to remove the sheet cover.
[ (3a): Start ]
At start I was having problem in deciding from where to start removing the sheet cover but after trying from different places I started from one place.
[ (3b):  Middle ]
Gradually, the sheet started to come out of its place. I stayed as gentle as possible during this phase.
[ (3c): Complete ]
After trying and retrying I, in a few minutes, successfully removed China sheet cover in one piece. I was happy on that achievement of mine.
[ (4): Unscrewing sheet screws ]
After removing cover from the China sheet, I with the help of a beautiful electricity tester unscrewed sheet's both screws. This step was very easy.
[ (4a): Start ]
After selecting screw driver of the right type I started unscrewing the screws of the China sheet. Sheet had two screws and I used electric tester as a screw driver.
[ (4b) Complete ]
This step was very easy and I completed it relatively quickly.
[ (5): Observing Buttons and Circuits ]
After removing cover from the China sheet and unscrewing sheet's both screws I for some time observed sheet's back side view. I keenly observed it's different button's back side view and the electricity wiring because I was doing the maintenance work of China sheet for the first time. Changing buttons is not new to me; I am doing this type of home maintenance work since decades.
[ (5a): First angle ]
In this photo back of all buttons are visible and it also shows the wiring.
[ (5b): Second angle ]
In this photo back of all buttons are visible and it also shows the wiring.
[ (5c): Third angle ]
In this photo back of all buttons are visible and it also shows the wiring.
[ (5d): Fourth angle ]
In this photo back of all buttons are visible and it also shows the wiring.
[ (6): New switch and sample socket ]
The socket on the left side of the photo is what I took with me to the market as a sample and the switch on the right side of the photo is what I brought from the market for the ceiling fan of my room. I found this switch from the third shop I went to. Shopkeeper of that shop was very kind person and he specially took out this matching switch from a new China sheet for me.
[ (7) Views of new switch ]
I took some photos, from different angles, of the new switch I brought from the market for the ceiling fan of my room. I found this switch from the third shop I went to. Shopkeeper of that shop was very kind person and he specially took out this matching switch from a new China sheet for me.
[ (7a) First angle ]
In this photo switch button’s Front and Right sides are displayed.
[ (7b) Second angle ]
In this photo switch button’s Right, Bottom and Back sides are displayed.
[ (7c): Third angle ]
In this photo switch button’s Front, Top and Left sides are displayed.
[ (7d): Fourth angle ]
In this photo switch button’s Front, Right and Bottom sides are displayed.
[ (7e): Fifth angle ]
In this photo switch button’s Top, Back and Right sides are displayed.
[ (7f): Sixth angle ]
In this photo switch button’s Left, Back and Bottom sides are displayed.
[ (8): New switch installed ]
It was a little difficult to remove switch button of ceiling fan from China sheet but somehow I was able to do it. Because of the stress involved I completely forgot to take photos during removing old switch button and installing new switch button. I took following two photos after installing new switch button for ceiling fan of my bed room.
[ (8a): First angle ]
In this photo back of all buttons, including newly installed fan switch button, are visible and it also shows the wiring.
[ (8b): Second angle ]
In this photo back of all buttons, including newly installed fan switch button, are visible and it also shows the wiring.
[ (9): China sheet fixed to it's place ]
[ (9a): China sheet screwed to it's place ]
After fixing new switch button of fan on China sheet and fixing required wires to switch I fixed China sheet back to it's place on the wall of my bed room with two screws.
[ (9b): China sheet cover fixed to it's place ]
After fixing China sheet back to it's place on the wall of my bedroom I fixed it's cover over it.
[ (10): China sheet cleaned ]
After fixing the China sheet back to it's place on the wall of my bedroom I cleaned entire China sheet with a damp cloth.
[ (10a) First angle ]
View of the China sheet, from first angle, after it was cleaned.
[ (10b) Second angle ]
View of the China sheet, from second angle, after it was cleaned.
[ (10c) Third angle ]
View of the China sheet, from Third angle, after it was cleaned.
[ (11): Tools used ]
These are the tools I used for my this DIY. The white one is tester cum (minus) screwdriver and the red one is (plus) screwdriver and the green one is (minus) screwdriver.
[ (12): Old switch ]
For the sake of record I also took pictures of the old fan switch button.
[ (12a): First photo ]
In this picture, the main part of the switch button is on the right side and on the left side is the part that had popped out of it's place.
[ (12b): Second photo ]
In this picture, the main part of the switch button is on the right side and on the left side are the parts of the part which had popped out of it's place. White one is the on/off button of the switch and beside it one is a small spring of some metal and other is a small tube of copper.
[ (13): Task Complete ]
At the end of my this China sheet maintenance DIY, I again took photos of the China sheet from different angles. This time I deliberately kept all buttons to off position.
[ (13a): First angle ]
I took first photo from front of the China shee.
[ (13b): Second angle ]
I took first photo from right of the China shee.
[ (13c): Third angle ]
I took first photo from left of the China shee.

this story ends with a



Colors used for Border and Background of this post
Color HSL RGB Hex
21°, 42%, 33% 119, 73, 49 #774931
21°, 42%, 80% 225, 198, 183 #e1c6b7

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.

Sliding Button - 2

  Sliding Button - 2  
(Lucky number generator, Get your lucky number)
Version: 230504Th
Other versions
Version Link
nil No other versions so far.
About a decade ago I came up with an idea of creating a Windows Forums application having a special type of button. That button should be like such that whenever the user clicks on the button with the mouse, the button should slide from under the mouse pointer. That idea remained an idea and could not go any further.
Now! Few days ago, somehow, that idea again visited my brain and I decided to give it a try. For that very purpose I did some planning like what kind of windows forms application I should make for implementing that old idea of mine. After making a virtual list of work-wise application type candidates I selected a simple type and started developing the required application. In few hours I completed the 1st version of the application.
In this blog entry I am going to discus that application in some detail.
First I kept the working of the application as simple as possible. I named it "Slipping button". "Sliding button", "Get your lucky number" and "Lucky number generator" were other names in my consideration. I used "Lucky number generator" as text (display name, title) of the application. From applications's names it is obvious that it generates and displays a number as a lucky number. To keep things simple application randomly generates a lucky number between changeable two seed numbers.
Working of the application is simple and is as follows:
1)_Change seed number values or leave them as they are.
2)_Click "Get" button for getting lucky number.
*)__(This displays user's lucky number)
Fun starts when user clicks on the "Get" button because when user clicks on the "Get" button
either "Get" button remains on it's position and application displays the lucky number
or "Get' button simply and completely slides from under the mouse pointer and lucky number is not displayed.
Because of this behavior of the "Get" button user has to make multiple tries to get his/her lucky number. This behavior of the "Get" button can annoy, frustrate and entertain the user at the same time.
Following are some screen-shots of the above mentioned "Get your lucky number" application I made in c#.

[(*) Lucky number generater]
A view of the "Sliding Button", or "Slipping button" or "Get your luck number" or "Lucky number generater" application. First is name of this application and remaining three are it's nick names etc.
[ (0) Application loaded]
Application is loaded and is ready for use.
[(01) Seed number values are changed.]
User has changed booth seed numbers. Changing seed numbers is optional. User cand change both number, only one number or leave their values as it is.
[(02) Get button is clicked]
[(02a) "Get" button slided]
User clicked on the "Get" button but "Get" button slided from under the mouse pointer. Therefor no lucky number is displayed. In the following section different position on which "Get" button slided during the session are displayed.
[(02a1) "Get" button slided to the Bottom left corner.]
User clicked on the "Get" button but "Get" button slided from under the mouse pointe to the Bottom Left Corner. Lucky number is not displayed.
[(02a2) "Get" button slided to the Top right corner.]
User clicked on the "Get" button but "Get" button slided from under the mouse pointe to the Top Right Corner. Lucky number is not displayed.
[(02a3) "Get" button slided to the Top Left corner.]
User clicked on the "Get" button but "Get" button slided from under the mouse pointe to the Top Left Corner. Lucky number is not displayed.
[(02a4) "Get" button slided to the Center Left side]
User clicked on the "Get" button but "Get" button slided from under the mouse pointe to the Center Left Side. Lucky number is not displayed.
[(02a5) "Get" button slided to the Top Center side]
User clicked on the "Get" button but "Get" button slided from under the mouse pointe to the Top Center side. Lucky number is not displayed.
[(02a6) "Get" button slided to the Bottom Right corner.]
User clicked on the "Get" button but "Get" button slided from under the mouse pointe to the Bottom Right Corner. Lucky number is not displayed.
[(02a7) "Get" button slided to the Bottom Center side]
User clicked on the "Get" button but "Get" button slided from under the mouse pointe to the Bottom Center side. Lucky number is not displayed.
[(02a8) "Get" button slided to the Center Right corner.]
User clicked on the "Get" button but "Get" button slided from under the mouse pointe to the Center Right side. Lucky number is not displayed.
[(02b) Lucky number generated]
User clicked on the "Get" button and "Get" button remained on it's default position i.e Center, Center. Lucky number is generated and displayed.
[(03) Clear button clicked]
User clicked "Clear" button and form is cleared (reset to it's default state). First seed  number's valued is set to "1000" and Second seed number's value is set to "9999".
[(04) Help button clicked]
User clicked "Help" button and Help form is displayed. Help form displayes scrollable useful help information about this application.

Colors used for Border and Background of this post
Color HSL RGB Hex
60°, 20%, 35% 107, 107, 71 #6b6b47
60°, 19%, 85% 224, 224, 209 #e0e0d1

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.