Thursday, December 16, 2021

Pakistan Indus basin forest - 210522Sa

  Pakistan Indus basin forest  
Version: 210522Sa
Other versions
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170613Tu The Great Green ReCycle - 2017
Since some decades I am wondering how we can grow man-made forest in our country, Pakistan. On different occasions different type of ideas came into my mind, some of which I had already discussed in some other post(s) in this blog.
Some days ago an idea came to my mind to calculate how many tree saplings will be required if we want to plant them on both sides of river Indus, largest river in our country. Idea was to calculate total number of tree saplings required if we plant one tree sapling after every “R” foot throughout the length of river Indus and plant one tree sapling after every “C” foot sideways on both sides of river.
After playing with different numbers for “R” and “C” I settled for 50 rows and 50 columns of tree saplings per square kilometer. This makes 2500 tree saplings per square kilometer. Length of river Indus is around 3000 kilometers. By multiplying length of river with number of tree saplings required per square kilometer we get number of tree saplings required for one side of river Indus and that is 7,500,000 tree saplings. To get number of tree saplings required for both sides I multiplied this number with 2 and got the number 15,000,000.
After a few days I started making a software version of that calendar and in a few days completed it's first version. This post is to describe Computer version (I made in 2020) of the Manual version (I made a few decades ago).

[ Indus basin forest calculation chart ]
Following is the summery chart of Indus basin forest calculation.
Indus basin forest calculation chart
River Indus
Length Around 3,000 km
Number of rows "R" per sq km 25
Number of cols "C" per sq km 25
trees per square km "R * C" 2,500
Trees on one side of river 7,500,000
Trees on both sides of river 15,000,000

[ Map Indus basin forest ]
Following is the map of proposed Indus basin forest. It is looking so beautiful and useful to me.

Colors used for Border and Background of this post
Color HSL RGB Hex
064, 51%, 21% 077, 081, 026 #4d511a
064, 51%, 72% (215, 220, 147 #d7dc93

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.