Monday, May 17, 2021

New layer for government hierarchy - 210518tu

  New layer for Government Hierarchy  
Version: 210518Tu
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Since some decades I am observing government systems of different countries of our planet Earth. For example of how many layers their government is made of and of how many groups each layer of their government is made of. Some information I found and some not and some went over my head. After gathering that information I did some analysis of the information.
Side by side I was also analyzing government system of our own country Pakistan. Especially how, at different times, governments are made in our country and what kind of system they implement or follow. I researched on government hierarchy of our country also.
During that research I found something that was either missing or required in our government system.
To get an idea think that young Pakistanis join different government jobs in different government departments at around the age of 20. At those jobs they acquire experience and develop and rise to upper posts and one day retire from their job. Think how much thinking/analyzing and managing/delivering abilities they possess by the time they retire.
I observed that in our country during one/other type of government system only one/some part of government do all/most of the thinking, analyzing, managing and delivering work. Thus talent available at the top of government departments remains un-utilized or under-utilized.
After thinking for many years for solving above mentioned problem I created a simple and easy to implement solution. In that solution I proposed a new level in hierarchy of our government system. That new level of hierarchy is explained bellow.
(i)_At the federal level government divisions/ministries/departments will be collected/aranged in distinct categories according to nature of their job/work. For example Army, Air-force and Navy etc will come in one DEFENCE category. Similarly there will be other categories like AGRICULTURE, POLITICS, INDUSTRY, JUDICIARY, POLICE, FINANCE, EDUCATION, COMMUNICATION, TRANSPORTATION etc.
(ii)_Each category will select and nominate a person from top of their human resource pyramid with around 5 years of job remaining.
(iii)_Those selected persons will sit in a house/assembly/etc as representative of their respective category.
(iv)_That house will take part in government analyzing and decision making by sharing it’s none-binding points of views with government above it and categories under it.
(v)_That house will also act as flywheel. This means that, that house will slow-down any quick change/move in any direction by government above that house or categories under that house.
Similarly there will/can be same kind of house, with required changes, at other administrative levels of government like province, division, district etc to bottom level.
This system is generic and can be implemented in any country with any kind of existing government system anywhere in our planet Earth.
Following diagram explains this new/proposed layer for government hierarchy.


Colors used for Border and Background of this post
Color HSL RGB Hex
272, 52%, 53% 139, 73, 197 #8b49c5
272, 52%, 87% 223, 205, 239 #dfcdef

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.