Scale adventure with c#
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Version: 201015Th |
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Although I had some knowledge about Grey scale colors for decades but was
not very sure about them. For example following questions were comming in my
mind for sometime:
- What is exact definition of Grey scale colors?
- How they are produced on digital computers?
- What is count of Grey scale colors?
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For getting answer for my above mentioned questions, a few days ago, I
searched on net about Grey scale colors. To see all colors which fell in Grey
scale category I decided to generate all colors which fell in Grey scale
category. After some planning I started to write an application in C# for
generating all Grey scale colors and on completion of application I also enjoyed
it's output. |
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"All Grey scale colors were in one place." |
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All colors were either Tints of Black color or Shades of White color. On
the start of Grey scale color list was Black color and on the end of Grey scale
list was White color and in between were shades/tints of White/Black color. In
other words all colors were Shades or Tints of Grey, starting from Black and
ending on White. |
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There were total of 256 colors in Grey scale colors. Each of them was
produced with mixing all three primary colors (Red, Green and Blue) in same
value of their intensity. For example first color (black) was produced by mixing
red=0, green=0, blue=0 and last color (white) was produced by mixing red=255,
green=255, blue=255 Colors. Colors in between were produced by mixing primary
colors together with their intensities ranging from 1 to 254. |
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Application's UI (User Interface) is simple and easy to understand.
Colors in Grey scale category are displayed in a grid of size 16*16. User can
see information about color displayed in any cell/box in grid by moving mouse pointer over them.
Information of cell under mouse is displayed on bottom of application form.
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Information displayed about Grid cell under mouse pointer are:
- Cell (Cell number. It starts with 0).
- Row (Row number. It starts with 0).
- Col (Column number. It starts with 0).
- Color (Color preview).
- Hex (Hex of color previewed).
- RGB (RGB of color previewed).
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Following are the srreen shots of the application I discused above. |
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Application on start looks like in the following image: |
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Application looks like in the following image when mouse is positioned
over color cell of the grid: |
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Colors used in this post: |
Border color |
rgb(80, 80, 80) |
#505050 |
Background color |
rgb(220, 220, 220) |
#dcdcdc |
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If there are any
mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them. |
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