Thursday, October 29, 2020

A corner of our Lawn - 201030Fr

  A corner of our Lawn  
Version: 201030Fr
Right from the beginning we had a coconut tree at a corner of the lawn of our home. Coconut tree grew into a healthy tree and used to give very healthy coconut fruits frequently. But a few years back it become sick and slowly, slowly diet. We were not able to save it. After that coconut tree had died we arranged some laborers to cut and remove it's remains from our lawn. That coconut tree was around 30 years old. The corner of our lawn, where once our beautiful and healthy coconut tree used to be standing, remained empty for some time. Meanwhile we kept planning what to plant in that place or how to utilize that space.
During same time we have had a good looking extra plant in a good looking pot in our veranda. I suggested to place that plant in the empty corner and so from then that empty looking area became not so empty for the time being. After some time my brother brought some artificial birds and our gardener placed them in front of the plant we had earlier placed in the corner of our lawn.
Combination of big leaved plant and two good looking artificial birds in front of it looked very good then and is still looking very good. Although that plant went through some bad times during summer 2020 of Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan but after that recovered.
Following are photos I took using my mobile, nokia c1-01, of the plant and two artificial birds standing in front of it I mentioned above.


Colors used in this post:
Border color rgb(26, 102, 0) #1a6600
Background color rgb(198, 255, 179) #ebebe0

If there are any mistakes in this post then surely I will remove them whenever I will come to know them.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

DIY-Mountain of Gravel - 201017Sa

  Mountain of Gravel (DIY)  
(Mountain and Tracks made, shaped by me)
Version: 201107Sa
In month of October 2020 one of our neighbors did some home maintenance work. Because of that work they brought a lot of sand and gravel beside other things required for their work. Truck loads of sand and gravel were offloaded on an empty plot beside our home.
One evening while I and my niece were walking on road in front of our home, my niece took some interest on above mentioned mountains made of sand and gravel. She wanted to climb on one of them. First I refused to allow her to do that but as she kept on insisting I said OK to her. But first I tried to climb myself to show her how to climb on mountain made of gravels. As I tried to climb up on the mountain made from gravels I noticed that my feet were sinking inside it. I succeeded in reaching to the top and then climbed down. After that I pressed gravel by my feet to make them firm in their place, so that feet stay firm over them and did not sink into them. This pressing of gravels by my feet also made a small path from bottom to top of mountain. After making sure that everything was according to what I wanted, I allowed my niece to climb on the mountain made of gravels.
My niece enjoyed the experience of climbing on the gravel mountain and then stayed at it's top for some time and then walked down. She had some problem of balancing at start but once she got used to the situation enjoyed it very much. She repeated the act of climbing and then coming down many times.
But as work in our neighbor’s home took pace these mountains started to shrink and change shape. At the same time path made by me also got destroyed or vanished completely. This made my niece a little sad as she had started to walk on gravel made mountain whenever she got the opportunity. For keeping my niece happy I kept re-making walking path on gravel made mountain as and when required. Every time path was having different shape as mountain was also changing it's shape and size.
Following are photos of the gravel mountain I discussed above, in it's different stages. I took these photos with my mobile nokia c1-01.
  At Start:

  Stage 1:



  Stage 2:




  Stage 3:


  Stage 4:



Now, in November 2020, our neighbor’s work is almost finished and very little of gravel mountain is left and we are also no longer using it for our game as well. Maybe we lost interest in this gravel made mountain because not enough of gravel is left for making any interesting paths on it.

Colors used in this post:
Border color rgb(49, 92, 160) #315ca0
Background color rgb(173, 209, 230) #adcae6

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

GreyScale adventure with cSharp - 201015Th

  Scale adventure with c#  
Version: 201015Th
Although I had some knowledge about Grey scale colors for decades but was not very sure about them. For example following questions were comming in my mind for sometime:
  1. What is exact definition of Grey scale colors?
  2. How they are produced on digital computers?
  3. What is count of Grey scale colors?
For getting answer for my above mentioned questions, a few days ago, I searched on net about Grey scale colors. To see all colors which fell in Grey scale category I decided to generate all colors which fell in Grey scale category. After some planning I started to write an application in C# for generating all Grey scale colors and on completion of application I also enjoyed it's output.
"All Grey scale colors were in one place."
All colors were either Tints of Black color or Shades of White color. On the start of Grey scale color list was Black color and on the end of Grey scale list was White color and in between were shades/tints of White/Black color. In other words all colors were Shades or Tints of Grey, starting from Black and ending on White.
There were total of 256 colors in Grey scale colors. Each of them was produced with mixing all three primary colors (Red, Green and Blue) in same value of their intensity. For example first color (black) was produced by mixing red=0, green=0, blue=0 and last color (white) was produced by mixing red=255, green=255, blue=255 Colors. Colors in between were produced by mixing primary colors together with their intensities ranging from 1 to 254.
Application's UI (User Interface) is simple and easy to understand. Colors in Grey scale category are displayed in a grid of size 16*16. User can see information about color displayed in any cell/box in grid by moving mouse pointer over them. Information of cell under mouse is displayed on bottom of application form.
Information displayed about Grid cell under mouse pointer are:
  1. Cell (Cell number. It starts with 0).
  2. Row (Row number. It starts with 0).
  3. Col (Column number. It starts with 0).
  4. Color (Color preview).
  5. Hex (Hex of color previewed).
  6. RGB (RGB of color previewed).
Following are the srreen shots of the application I discused above.

Application on start looks like in the following image:
Application looks like in the following image when mouse is positioned over color cell of the grid:

Colors used in this post:
Border color rgb(80, 80, 80) #505050
Background color rgb(220, 220, 220) #dcdcdc

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.