Friday, March 22, 2019

Happy Pakistan Resolution Day – 2019

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(Happy Pakistan resolution day - 2019)
"Long Live Pakistan"

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Pakistan resolution day
reminds us of year 1940.
Muslims of subcontinent
Demanded a separate homeland
under Leadership of our Quaid
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
ALLAH‘s countless blessings
Pakistan came into existence.
Today w are an independent nation.
We need to remain united as one nation.

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May ALLAH bless us all with integrity
To be proud of our country.
May we all understand
the true meaning of
Passed on 1940-March-23.


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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Banknotes and Coins made simple - 190305Tu

  Banknotes and Coins made simple  
(A gernalised design for Banknotes and Coins for Pakistan)
(Easily adaptable by any country)
Version: 190305Tu
Few days ago I showed my collection of old Banknotes and Coins of mostly Pakistani origin to my niece. During that session I wondered why those coins had their particular shape and why they were of different sizes. I did that because I wanted to tell some story related to color, size and shape of banknotes and coins to my niece ISHI. During that session I also noticed that some coins, from different times, were very near to size and shape of each other. Plus from time to time size of banknotes were also changing. For example on one occasion banknote of Rs 10 from one time was smaller than banknote of Rs 5 from another time. This was all confusing.
So while showing banknotes and coins to my niece I made an idea for design of banknotes and coins so that they look following some standard and any one can make/create and tell story about them easily.
That idea had two parts, one for coins and another for banknotes. I am describing both parts of idea in the following paragraphs.
(1)_ First I wanted to have most of those coins back in circulation we had in our childhood. According to my memory we had coins of 1 paisa, 2 paisa, 5 paisa, 10 paisa, 25 paisa, 50 paisa and some more.
(2)_ Second I wanted to design them based on basic geometric shapes so that anyone can easily differentiate them.
(3)_ Third I wanted to have all coins of same size meaning they will fit in particular sized square for example one inch square.
(4)_ Forth idea was to make coins from non-corroding more than one metal and/or alloys of contrasting colors to make them look better.
(5)_ Fifth idea was to have suitable sized curve in place of any angled point in all coins.
Final shapes of coins I made from basic geometric shapes  are as follows:

Shape Shape's Name Coin's value
Circle 1 paisa
Triangle 2 paisa
Square 5 paisa
Pentagon 10 paisa
Rhombus 25 paisa
Decafoil 50 paisa

[2019 Mar 07 Thu] Last night and today morning I re-created diagrams of my proposed coins I shared above. This time I arranged all coins in one image for easy handling. Plus this time shape choices for coins are also different. I think everything else is same as before. This new creation is shared in the following image. For creating this following image main work is done in MicroSoft PowerPoint.


Another idea was to make coins in such a way that they last for centuries.
For banknotes also I found some problems. Main was because of different size for different value banknotes it is difficult to handle even small bundles of different value banknotes together. Another problem was that they deteriorate very easily, especially when they come in contact with water.
So I made some ideas for banknotes also which are described in the following:.
(1)_ First idea was to make banknotes of every/any value of same size and different, easily differentiable, colors. I chose 16:9 as banknote dimension with length of longer side equal to between 5 to 7 inches. (16:9 (1.77:1 = 42:32) is an aspect ratio with a width of 16 units and height of 9).
(2)_ Second idea was to make banknotes from non-deteriorating, long-life materials like carbon fiber etc.

If there are any mistakes then I will surely remove them whenever found.
