Monday, July 23, 2018

Simple Housing Scheme Plan - 180723Mo

  Simple Housing Scheme Plan  
(An expandable idea)
Version: 180723Mo
Some years ago I was thinking how to improve over-all scheme of area where I live. During that period I made different plans, one after another. Each plan had their own set of plus and minus points. But because the area where I live was and is fully / mostly developed so there was no scope / chance for any major modification. Plus, all these years, I kept my these thoughts to myself and before sharing here never even hinted about it to any one.
After getting my that timely idea I started making my own concept multi-dimensional plan for some future housing scheme. Here I am going to share one dimension  (Utility area: Limited to Play area cum park in this post) of that Plan.
Idea was to have a housing scheme which also has structured system of utility area (play area, green area 'area reserved for trees etc', school, market etc) for all type, age of people of area. So in any given time as many as possible number of people can utilize and enjoy them.
To achieve this target I divided my concept housing scheme into many set like layers. With layer 1 at bottom and layer N at top. Every layer except layer 1 was made of 10 units of immediately lower layer. Meaning layer 1 has no child layer and layer N have no parent layer.
These layers are explained with images in the following paragraphs.
Layer 1:
This is basic or bottom layer of scheme. As can be seen in following image there is a green colored rectangular shaped utility area (play area in this case) in center of this layer and light-golden colored rectangular shaped 10 plots for houses are on two opposite and longer sides of it. This play area is shared by these 10 houses and any person can enter into this play area only through any one of these houses. This play area is made with privacy and safety like this so that it can be used by children under 5 years of age, of these 10 houses safely.
In the following image Purple color is used for outline of house plots, Utility area and Layer it self  Green color is used for Utility area and Light-Golden color is used for House plots.


Layer 2:
This is 2nd layer from bottom of scheme. I explained before that every layer, except 1st layer, in this scheme is made by using a fixed number of Units from lower layer plus a Utility area. So, according to that rule, this 2nd layer is made up of 10 units of 1st layer and a utility area (play area and park in this case) is also allocated in center of this 2nd layer plan. This can be better under stood by observing following image.
As can be seen in the following image in this layer-2 rectangular shaped Utility area is in the center of the layer-2 and rectangular shaped 10 units of layer-1 are on two opposite and longer sides of it. In this layer-2 Utility area is surrounded by road for easy access for all. In this layer-2 Utility area is divided in many parts and each part is either a Park or Play area. Park will have jogging track, flower beds, trees, benches, swings and other useful items for children to play and enjoy. Play areas will be covered with net so that many persons or teams can use these play areas at any time. These play areas will be mostly for school children of the area.
In the following image Blue color is used for outline of Layer-2 and it's Utility area.  Green color (any shade) is used for Utility area of Layer-2. Gray color is used for roads in Layer-2. Light-blue color is used for path ways around Utility area of Layer-2 Units of Layer-1 are used as it is.


Layer 3:
This is 3rd layer from bottom of scheme. I explained before that every layer, except 1st layer, in this scheme is made by using a fixed number of Units from lower layer plus a Utility area. So, according to that rule, this 3rd layer is made up of 10 units of 2nd layer and a utility area (play area, park, school, market etc in this case) is also allocated in center of this 3rd layer plan. This can be better under stood by observing following image.
As can be seen in the following image in this layer-3 rectangular shaped Utility area is in the center of the layer-3 and rectangular shaped 10 units of layer-2 are on two opposite and longer sides of it. In this layer-3 Utility area is surrounded by road for easy access for all. In this layer-3 Utility area is divided in many parts and each part is either a Park area, Green area, Play area, School area or Market area. Park area will have jogging track, flower beds, trees, benches, swings and other useful items for children to play and enjoy. Each Play area will be covered with net so that many persons or teams can use these play areas at any time. These play areas will be mostly for post school children and other elder persons of the area
In the following image Red color is used for outline of Layer-3 and it's Utility area.  Green color (any shade) is used for Utility area of Layer-3. Gray color is used for roads in Layer-3. Light-blue color is used for path ways around Utility area of Layer-3. Units of Layer-2 are used as it is.


As can be observed the above mentioned scheme is simple and recursively defined. Meaning it can be expanded into next above level without any difficulty. It also retains its main look throughout its expansion up wards. Thus it is easy to implement any where in the world.
Plus this above mentioned scheme will reduce chances of children playing on streets, roads or on empty plots. Thus reducing the chance of any accident like risks.
Note: In above images outline color of Purple is used for Layer 1, Blue is used for Layer 2 and Red is used for Layer 3. Green color (any shade) is used for Utility area.