Thursday, October 5, 2017

Prime numbers generator - 6 - 171005Th

  Prime numbers generator - 6 [1/2]  
(Finds all prime numbers between 2 and 32000000002 - c#)
Version: 171005Th
Once upon a time a few decades ago I was frequent visitor of "Liaquat National Memorial Library - Karachi" for reading books. I do not actually remember now how and when I went there for the first time. But I do remember that I continued going there for a few years. Although books on computer programming were my main interest but I enjoyed reading books on different subjects and reading different news papers as well. Books on "Lisp" and "Prolog" I studied there for the first time, but my main interest was books on "C" programming language and there were a lot of good quality books available there on C.
Environment of "Liaquat National Memorial Library" was very good: calm and peaceful. After a few visits I learned that if I do not come early then surely I will not get chair in the huge reading hall of the library. It was great to know that "Liaquat National Memorial Library" was in so huge demand. Therefore, after knowing that, whenever I went there, I went early.
Because "Liaquat National Memorial Library" is located beside PTV Karachi therefore during coming and going I also had some glimpses of TV stars of that time e.g. "Subhani ba Yunus" etc. As far as I do remember I also saw famous movie star of Pakistan "Mohammad Ali" one afternoon standing with someone near entrance steps of library building. I think he was minister at that time. Then time was around afternoon and I was mentally very busy and/or occupied in getting photostat of some chapters of computer book on Unix. Otherwise at least I would have requested for his autograph. He was tall with pinkish white in color and had a pleasant smile on his face. I think I missed the opportunity.
Let’s come back to the topic. On one visit to "Liaquat National Memorial Library" I requested for the current book of "Guinness book of world records". And in that book, for the first time I came to know about competition for finding prime number with larger number of digits than number of digits in any already known prime number. I knew how to find weather a number is Prime or not so automatically an idea visited my mind to find some prime numbers on computer myself.
Since then I am trying different softwares available to me on different times for making applications for finding as many prime numbers as possible. The list of softwares I used so far is as follows:
  1. Turbo C version 2 ON Pentium 2 and Pentium 3
  2. Html and JScript ON Pentium 4
  3. GCC ON Pentium 3 and i5
  4. C# 6 ON Pentium 3
  5. C# 2008 ON Pentium 4
  6. C# 2010 ON i5
On different times in different softwares I tried different methods for finding prime numbers like “long hand division method” and different variations of “Sieve method”. Also I kept researching on the internet and there I found pages on some sites displaying first few prime numbers for example first million prime numbers etc. I said Ok . . . I am also finding prime numbers, a lot of prime numbers and saving them on my pc's HDD. Why not I put prime numbers found by me, although I am not first to find them, on internet some where some day.
Therefore I re-ran current version of the application I made for finding primes to find prime numbers under different upper limits and found that for upper limit of 20000000, number/count of prime numbers is nearly above ONE Million. Some out puts of those Prime number searches I am sharing bellow. So far the maximum I reached for continuous list of prime numbers is:
  • Range......................: [2 and 32000000002] inclusive
  • Prime numbers found.: [1382799415]
  • Largest prime number: [31999999987]
Following is the list of first "6542" prime numbers, under 2^16, I found using software made by me using C# 2010.  I used this upper limit because it reminds me of "unsigned int" of 16 bit computers.

List of prime numbers under 2^16

List of prime numbers under 20000000
Following are the links to files containing first 1270607 prime numbers I found under 20000000 using software I made in c# 2010.
  1. Prime numbers between 00000000 and 00999999 inclusive
  2. Prime numbers between 01000000 and 01999999 inclusive
  3. Prime numbers between 02000000 and 02999999 inclusive
  4. Prime numbers between 03000000 and 03999999 inclusive
  5. Prime numbers between 04000000 and 04999999 inclusive
  6. Prime numbers between 05000000 and 05999999 inclusive
  7. Prime numbers between 06000000 and 06999999 inclusive
  8. Prime numbers between 07000000 and 07999999 inclusive
  9. Prime numbers between 08000000 and 08999999 inclusive
  10. Prime numbers between 09000000 and 09999999 inclusive
  11. Prime numbers between 10000000 and 10999999 inclusive
  12. Prime numbers between 11000000 and 11999999 inclusive
  13. Prime numbers between 12000000 and 12999999 inclusive
  14. Prime numbers between 13000000 and 13999999 inclusive
  15. Prime numbers between 14000000 and 14999999 inclusive
  16. Prime numbers between 15000000 and 15999999 inclusive
  17. Prime numbers between 16000000 and 16999999 inclusive
  18. Prime numbers between 17000000 and 17999999 inclusive
  19. Prime numbers between 18000000 and 18999999 inclusive
  20. Prime numbers between 19000000 and 20000000 inclusive
Download all 20 files containing all prime numbrs
under 20000000 (prime number count 1270607)
as a zip file

If there are any mistakes then I will surely remove them whenever found.

I will upload source code of application I made and used for generating above prime numbers in some near-future post some time else.