Thursday, September 12, 2024

Water for all living beings - 210906Mo

  Water for all living beings  
A project from future for the future of all living beings.
Version: 210906Mo
Other versions
Version Link
Nill Nill


As I flip through TV channels, I met with heartbreaking footage of humans, animals, and plants suffering in drought-hit areas and regions plagued by water scarcity. The images of parched earth, withered crops, and thirsty wildlife haunt me, filling my heart with concern and sadness. It's a stark reminder of the devastating impact of water shortages on our planet's delicate ecosystem.
But amidst this despair, I find hope. I firmly believe that with collective effort and innovative solutions, we can overcome this crisis. One such solution is to create a global network of water pipes connecting natural and man-made water reservoirs. This grid would ensure clean water reaches every corner of the world, quenching the thirst of all living beings.
Some might argue that the world is facing a water shortage, but I disagree. The truth is, there's no shortage of water molecules ("H2O") on our planet. What we lack is the infrastructure to harness, conserve, and distribute this precious resource efficiently. By building this global water grid, we can bridge the gap between water availability and accessibility.
Imagine a world where every human, animal, and plant has access to clean water, regardless of their geographical location. It's a future worth striving for, and I believe it's within our reach. Let's work together to make this vision a reality and ensure a sustainable, water-secure future for all life on Earth.

I will share further details about this system sometime else in this blog post or in next version of this blog post.

Colors used for Border and Background of this post
Color HSL RGB Hex
22°,  41%, 36% 129, 81, 54 #815136
21°, 35%, 76% 215, 187, 172 #d7bbac

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Prime numbers generator - 6 - 240701Mo

  Prime numbers generator - 6 [2/2]  
(Finds all prime numbers between 2 and 32000000002 - c#)
Version: 240701Mo
Previous version: 171005Th
Decades ago, I was a regular visitor to the Liaquat National Memorial Library in Karachi, where I spent countless hours reading books. Although I no longer remember how and when my first visit to the library happened, I still fondly remember spending several hours over many years in the library's reading hall, reading books on different subjects. While computer programming books were my primary interest, I also enjoyed reading books on various subjects and browsing through different newspapers. It was at this library that I first discovered books on Lisp and Prolog, but my true passion was for books on C programming language, and I was fortunate to find an impressive collection of high-quality titles on the subject.
The Liaquat National Memorial Library offered a serene and peaceful environment, conducive to learning. After a few visits, I realized that arriving early was crucial to securing a seat in the vast reading hall, which was always in high demand. This knowledge motivated me to arrive promptly on subsequent visits, ensuring that I could fully utilize the library's resources and enjoy the tranquil atmosphere.
The Liaquat National Memorial Library's proximity to PTV Karachi offered a thrilling bonus - glimpses of TV stars of the time, such as Subhani ba Yunus, during my visits. One afternoon, I even spotted the renowned Pakistani movie star, Mohammad Ali, standing by the library entrance, engaged in conversation with someone. I believe he was a federal minister at the time. Unfortunately, my focus was elsewhere, preoccupied with getting photocopied chapters of a Unix book, and I missed the opportunity to request his autograph. I still recall his tall stature, pinkish-white complexion, and warm smile. It's a memory I cherish, even if I didn't get his signature.
Let's come to the topic of this blog post. During one of my visits to the Liaquat National Memorial Library, I requested the latest edition of the Guinness Book of World Records. While browsing through its pages, I stumbled upon a fascinating entry about a competition to discover prime numbers with a larger number of digits than any previously known prime number. Since I was already familiar with the process of determining whether a number is prime or not, an idea struck me: why not use a computer to find some prime numbers myself?
Since then, I have been exploring various software applications at my disposal to develop programs for discovering a vast number of prime numbers. Over time, I have utilized a range of computers and softwares, which are listed as follows:
  1. Turbo C version 2 ON Pentium 2 and Pentium 3
  2. Html and JScript ON Pentium 4
  3. GCC ON Pentium 3 and i5
  4. C# 6 ON Pentium 3
  5. C# 2008 ON Pentium 4
  6. C# 2010 ON i5
Across various software platforms and at different times, I experimented with diverse methods for discovering prime numbers, including the 'long hand division method' and various iterations of the 'Sieve method'. Additionally, I persistently researched online, stumbling upon websites showcasing extensive lists of prime numbers, such as the first million prime numbers. This sparked a thought - I too have amassed a substantial collection of prime numbers on my computer's hard drive. Why not share my findings, even if I'm not the first to discover them, on the internet someday?
As a result, I reran the current version of my prime number finding application to explore prime numbers within various upper limits under 32000000002. Notably, when setting the upper limit to 20000000, I discovered approximately a little more than one million prime numbers. I'm sharing below some of the outputs from these prime number searches. So far the maximum I reached for continuous list of prime numbers is as follows:
  • Range......................: [2 and 32000000002] inclusive
  • Prime numbers found.: [1382799415]
  • Largest prime number: [31999999987]
In previous version of this post I had shared a list of first "6542" prime numbers, under 2^16, I found using software made by me using C# 2010. In previous versions of this post I had also shared links to files containing first 1270607 prime numbers I found under 20000000 using an application I made in c# 2010.
Today in this post in the following I am shareing screeshots of the application which is under descussion in this post and this post's previous version.

Application Output
Following are screenshots of the application I took at different stages of application.
(Application is loaded)
(Process is finished successfully)

  I hope to share more of my discoveries in the future  

If there are any mistakes then I will surely remove them whenever found.

I will upload source code of application I made and used for generating above prime numbers in some near-future post some time else.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Multi-layered Socio-economic system - 240424We

  Multi-layered Socio-economic system  
Version: 240424We
Other versions
Version Link
Nill Nill


Since some years I am continuously wondering that how people belonging to the lowest socio-economic segment of our society manage their lives. The deeper I think about this topic, the more disturbed I become. As inflation is increasing, anxiety is also increasing in the minds of the concerned people, which is also visible on their faces. I do not know why but still there is no practical solution anywhere in sight, for this problem. This lack of solution encouraged me to think for and find a practicable solution for this very basic problem of our society.
Slowly, slowly this thought process took me to new exciting valleys of thoughts full of possibilities. Masha ALLAH! The solutions I came up with at different times were somewhat different from each other: some were simple and some were difficult. Every time it seemed like I had found a perfect solution but later some flaws would come to light. But I continued my struggle to find a workable solution in feasible time.
In due course I shortlisted a few solutions from the solutions I had made over the years and then I mixed salient features of the solutions from that shortlist to make a concentrated, all weather, general purpose solution for a long time to go.
I have designed this system in such a way that any country can use it very easily and improve the lives of its people.
The final solution chosen is something like the one described in the following text.

Salient features of my socio-economic plan:
(01)_ This socio-economic plan will be multi-layered.
(02)_ The Government will do most of the work.
(03)_ Private sector's support will be used wherever required.
(04)_ The Government will create a special department (SEUW) to carry out Socio-Economic Development of the People.
(05)_ The Government department (SEUW) will do all business legally practiced in the country.
(06)_ The Government department (SEUW) will always remain open for 24 hours every day throughout the year.
(07)_ Profits earned by above created department (SEUW) will solely be used for socio-economic uplift of people.
(08)_ Ablest of the people of country will be used to run government department (SEUW).
(09)_ The government department (SEUW) will run a chain of departmental stores namely "Government of Pakistan Store - Area-name" (GOP Store - Area name) in each and every (Basic administrative unit) Union-council/Village-council etc of the country.
(10)_ GOP Store will have all basic commodities required by a simple family, like food, clothes, medicines, stationary, kitchen set, bedroom set, washroom sets, lights, fans, stoves etc.
(11)_ Commodities in the GOP Store will be priced according to the socio-economic condition of the consumer. Commodity price will be from free to a certain percentage of the original price.
(12)_ GOP Store will recognize genuine needy consumer using state of the art biometric methods.

I will share further details about this system sometime else in this blog post or in next version of this blog post.

Colors used for Border and Background of this post
Color HSL RGB Hex
299°,  46%, 46% 169, 063, 171 #a93fab
229°, 15%, 83% 205, 219, 218 #dacddb

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

My green Pakistani passport (second renewal) - 230622Th

  My green Pakistani passport (Second renewal)  
Version: 230622Th
Other versions
Version Link
050430Sa My green Pakistani passport (New) - 050430sa
130429Mo My green Pakistani passport (first renewal) - 130429Mo
(*)_My renewed Pakistani green passport:
Following is a photo of my second time renewed Pakistani green passport. I took this photo some time after reaching home. Masha ALLAH.


(A)_Inspirations for Passport renewal:
I got my first Pakistani green passport in 2005, which was valid till 2010. Then in the year 2013 I got my passport renewed for the first time, which was valid till 2015. In 2023 I watched a video of a famous Pakistani vloger from Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan in which vloger was saying good things about having Pakistani green passport. That vloger, in that video, was saying that passport is a national document and having it is a good thing. Plus during the same time one of my siblings performed umrah and that became a great inspiration for me to get my passport renewed for the second time.
(B)_Research for Passport renewal:
This is how I made up my mind for getting my Pakistani green passport renewed. Therefore first before applying for renewal of my green Pakistani passport I started researching online so that I could gather as much information as possible about the current procedures for getting Pakistani green passport renewed.
Out of important informations that I gathered online one was that online service for renewal of Pakistani green passport was not available so far and second was that I could pay Passport renewal fees in any branch of National Bank of Pakistan and third was that I have to go to the nearest Regional Passport Office from my (permanent) address on my CNIC for submitting my request for Passport renewal.
(C)_Passport renewal:
After gathering enough information I started working practically on this project of getting my Pakistani green passport renewed.
(C-1)_Passport fee payment:
I started by first going to the nearest branch of the National Bank of Pakistan and getting a passport challan form for Rs 25 from one of the counters there. Some days later on 2023 June 21 Wednesday, after filling the form, I went to the same bank branch and paid the fees for getting my Pakistani green passport renewed.
(C-2)_Document collection:
In the evening of 2023 June 21 Wednesday I collected the required documents which were my previous original passport and current original CNIC card and their photostats and placed them in an envelope.
(C-3)_Passport renewal request submission:

Following is a photo collection of my activities during my Pakistani green passport renewal request submission.

(@2023 June 22 Thursday)_I, since some weeks, was thinking of going to Passport office for renewing my green passport of Pakistan and today morning decided to do that.
(@09:30)_I started preparing for going to Regional Passport office Malir (Address: V5MM+Q38, Begum Khursheed Rd, Darakhshan Cooperative Housing Society Kala Board, Karachi, Karachi City, Sindh, Pakistan).
(@09:56)_I took a selfie of me standing in front of door of my bedroom.
(@10:07)_I reached at the bazar bus stop. Sat on the seat at bus stop and started waiting for Red bus of route EV-2 for going to Malir halt.
(@10:27)_I took a taxi to Regional Passport office Malir because I felt as if I was in a hurry and also because no bus has come in the meantime.
(@10:47)_I reached at the Regional Passport office Malir.
(@10:56)_After walking around in the compound and collecting information from different windows and persons standing in different lines I stood at the end of the male line. There were around 20 to 25 persons already standing in the line.
(@11:02)_I observed that the line was not moving and then got the news that Internet was down. On further enquiry I got the information that the internet was down since 09:24am. :( I don't know whether any of these news were authentic or not.
(@11:16)_I started thinking to return home but stayed.
(@11:30)_Internet got restored and both male and female lines started moving.
(@12:05)_On my turn I was asked to come inside the office building. They were calling in few males from male line and few females from female lines at a time. I went inside the building.
(C-3-a: @12:15)_At first counter I got photographed and received token.
(C-3-b: @12:55)_At another counter I got my finger print verified. (This step took a lot of time because immediately before my turn computer started hanging again and again. Then operator forgot password of windows 10. Some other person came and solved the problem. But then the mouse stopped working and they had to install a new mouse.)
(C-3-c: @13:01)_At another counter my data was verified/updated.
(C-3-d: @13:12)_At another counter my required document's photostats were collected. Passport token was stamped stating to collect passport from Regional Passport office sadder, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
(C-3-e: @13:17)_In a separate room I got interviewed by Assistant director cum Office incharge of Regional Passport Office Malir, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
(@13:22)_Passport renewal request submission Job done and I came out of the building.
(@13:27)_After my passport renewal submission process was over, I stayed in the office premises for about an hour giving company to a man (Jawaid) who was standing in line inside the building in front of me. Now he was waiting for his friend to come and pick him up. According to that person he was car welder by profession and was for the first time going out of Pakistan to Saudi Arabia for a job. Masha ALLAH.
(@14:11)_Jawaid's friend came and Jawaid departed with his friend on his friend's bike. Then I took a rickshaw from Regional Passport office malir to Malir halt for Rs100. The moment I wanted to take out my mobile to make a video of this little rickshaw ride, the rickshaw driver advised me not to take out the mobile. I did as advised.
(@14:29)_When I reached at the Malir Halt bus stop, there was already a Red bus of route EV-2 parked there, so I got into it and sat on the window seat. After a while the bus started and in around half hour I reached at my home.
(@15:03)_Thus that journey came to its end. Masha ALLAH.
(C-4)_Passport collection
(C-4-a)_Passport collection (Attempt # 1/2):

Following is a photo collection of my activities during my Pakistani green passport collection attempt 1/2.

Following is a small video clip I made during my return journey from Regional Passport Office Saddar, Karachi South, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. It was my 1st of 2 attempts for collecting my Pakistani green passport.

(@PkT 2023 July 06 Thursday)_Today I went to the passport office Saddar, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan to collect my new passport.
(@09:02)_While going to the passport office to get my renewed passport, I remembered that I forgot to make my start-up selfie. So I made my selfie while standing in front of the wall of the college.
(@09:05)_Then I thought that maybe that selfies was not verly good. Therefore, standing in front of the plants on the front of A-4, I took another selfie.
(@09:25)_The taxi driver asked Rs2000 for the Regional Passport office Saddar Karachi. Wheather was hot and I was already wet with sweat therefore as airconditioned Red bus of route EV-2 came I got into it for Malir halt.
(@09:48)_From Malir halt I took Mehran texi for Rs1000 to the Regional Passport office Saddar, Karachi. At Malir halt I faced a lot of problem in crossing the road as because of the morning office and school etc time there was a great rush of all kind of vehicles.
(@10:27)_I found out from the Regional Passport office Sadder, Karachi that my passport has not arrived yet. I was asked to come after July 15. So I came out of the passport office to return.
(@10:37)_After a lot of bargaining, a taxi driver accepted to come up to the Malir halt in Rs1000. And so my return journey began. Texi, Rickshaw rates were more for returning from Regional Passport office Sadder, Karachi then rates for comming to Passport office.
(@10:50)_During return journey I made a small video clip of underpass on Shahrah e Faisal and felt very happy while making that video clip. Let me also mention that my return journey was in a black and yellow taxi.
(@11:01)_After reaching at the Main Miller Halt I sat in the only Red bus standing there. Because the doors of the bus were open, the bus was not particularly cool.
(@11:22)_When the bus passed through Tank Chowk, it was found that the red bus was not going to where I do live but was going to Bahria Town.
(@11:28)_I alighted from that Red bus in front a gate of area where I do live. For some time I kept asking the prices of flower pots at a nursery near the bus stop.
(@11:38)_When I reached at the gate of the area where I do live, I noticed that the *_______ van* was no longer running. However, a few bolan vans were playing but that too as taxis. So I took a bolan van texi for Rs400 to my house.
(@11:47)_Reached my house.
(@11:47)_I took a selfie after reaching my house. The end of this journey. Masha ALLAH
(C-4-b)_Passport collection (Attempt # 2/2):
Following is a photo collection of my activities during my Pakistani green passport collection attempt 2/2.

(@PkT 2023 July 17 Monday)_Today I went to the passport office saddar for the second time to collect my new passport.
(@12:36)_Soon after our home maid's departure, I left home.
(@12:51)_After 18 minutes of reaching at the bus stop, a Red bus of route EV-2 came but was full therefore I took a texi for the Regional Passport office Sadder, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan for Rs2500.
(@13:17)_Nipa crossed.
(@13:27)_Hasan square crossed.
(@13:30)_Kashmir amusement park crossed. There was a large ferris wheel in the park. I saw that ferris wheel for the first time.
(@13:32)_Old sabzi mandi crossed.
(@13:35)_Dawood Engineering University Crossed. Islamia College complexion was still completely red . . . I don't know what it eats.
(@13:40)_In the middle of the road, Mazar Quaid was clearly visible. I thought to take a photo . . . then I thought I would take a photo when the taxi will be a little nearer, but when the taxi was moving on the road next to Mazar-e-Quaid, Mazar-e-Quaid was completlly hidden behind the trees :(
(@13:48)_Reached at the Regional Passport office Sadder, Karachi. Texi driver asked if I will like to go back with him and I set with him my return journey for Rs1500.
The main gate of the passport office was closed because its time (2 o'clock) was about to end. Therefore I entered through the second gate. I said that I have to collect my passport and person standing at the gate said Ok then go inside. Reached at the window of Malir district and found that the line at Malir district was longer then the lines at other districts. Around 15 persons were already standing in the line. I decided to enjoy while standing in the line and therefore kept enjoying views of cats of different ages and colors and sizes here and there. Sun was very hot ... uffff . . . haye, haye . . . uffff.
(@14:05)_Slowly, slowly the line moved forward and I receive my nenewed green Pakistani passport on my turn. Haye jamalo.
(@14:10)_I checked my new Pakistani green passport in detail. I checked data, photos etc. Every thing was fine so feeling happy I came out of the Regional Passport office Saddar.
(@14:20)_After coming outside the passport office I looked for the taxi I had come in and after finding it I returned home in the same taxi.
[Note: On the way back, I neither took photos, nor made videos, nor wrote any text.]
(@15:42)_I reached at my home very happy and satisfied.
This is why and how I renewed my Pakistani green passport for the second time. Masha ALLAH. The main difference between this time and last time is my age and the cost of travel. Earlier the travel expenses were very less and I used to use bus for traveling and this time I used taxi and rickshaw along with bus even though the expenses were high. Now bus fares are also much higher than before. The process at the passport offices was much better than in the past.
M A S H A     A L L A H
* I deliberately omitted some fine details of the different stages involved in my this Pakistani green passport collection session because I think they were of personal and private nature.
** Accuracy of the time is not guaranteed. There may be a plus, minus of a few minutes.

Colors used for Border and Background of this post
Color HSL RGB Hex
217°,  64%, 36% 033, 077, 150 #214d96
224°, 55%, 87% 203, 213, 240 #cbd5f0

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.

Monday, September 18, 2023

My new slippers - 220312Sa

  My new slippers  
Version: 220312Sa
Other versions
Version Link
nil No more versions yet.
Because my slippers were slowly, slowly getting old and their soles were getting rotten day by day, on the afternoon of 2022 March 12 Saturday I decided to buy myself new slippers. With this agenda I left my house and started walking towards a nearby shopping center where Bata had a shoe store.
On reaching that shopping center, I found that the Bata shoe shop I was looking for was no longer there and there was a new shoe shop in the same place. I was a little surprised and confused but went inside the shop and soon came out because what I was looking for was not available there.
From this market I went to another nearby market, this time for a Service shoes shop. But there I was again surprised to know that the Service shoes shop I was looking for was also gone and now there was a new shoe shop in the same shop named "NDURE". I walked into that new shoe store and soon found the type of slipper I was interested in. I selected those slippers and paid their bill. After paying the bill, I wandered around the shop for a while looking at the designs and prices of shoes, sandals and slippers and then came out of the shop. After finishing my work of buying new slippers for myself I slowly walked towards my home.
After reaching home I got an idea of making some videos and taking some photos, of my newly purchased slippers. Therefore for next few days I kept making videos and taking photos, of my new slippers from different angles.

Following is a video of my new NDURE slippers.

Colors used for Border and Background of this post
Color HSL RGB Hex
0°,  0%, 39% 100, 100, 100 #646464
0°, 0%, 78% 200, 200, 200 #c8c8c8

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

My green Pakistani passport (first renewal) - 130429Mo

  My green Pakistani passport (first renewal)  
Version: 130429Mo
Other versions
Version Link
050430Sa My green Pakistani passport (New) - 050430sa
230622Th My green Pakistani passport (second renewal) - 230622Th
My first green Pakistani passport expired in 2010 April 29 Thursday and in year 2013 I again started trying to renew it. For this purpose I first started visiting passport office situated at Awami markaz Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan to collect information about current requirements for renewing my green Pakistani passport. From passport office Awami markaz I got some different kind of information. For verifying the information I obtained from the Passport office Awami markaz I then also inquired with other passport seekers present there. I also went to Karachi city head office of Passport to further verify the information obtained from Passport Office Awami markaz.
The information I had received from both passport offices was that for some reason the issuance of new or renewed passports was on hold. Relevant office personals of both the Passport offices also told me to visit after at least 15 days to get the current update about the situation. I went to the Passport office Awami markaz after around one month and found that issuance of the new or renewed Passports was still on hold. But there was relatively good news also. That news was that instead of issuing new/renewed passport latest expired or expiring passport will get stamped with new issue date and expiry date written on it.
After getting the above information I simply went through the stages required for getting my now expired green Pakistani passport renewed via Pakistan passport office stamp. First, one day I went to the Passport head office of Karachi city and there payed the fees required for green Pakistani passport renewal and then Second after some days I went to the Passport city head office Karachi and submitted my passport for renewal. Then office personal at the same window told me to come after one month (I no longer remember exact time duration now) to the Passport city head office Karachi to get my renewed green Pakistani passport.
I did as instructed and after the date I was told to come, I went to Passport city head office Karachi but the person at the relevant window said that my passport has not been received yet. The person also told me that now I should come after two weeks to collect my passport. So I again went to Passport city head office Karachi, after the date I was told to come, and stood at the end of the line at the relevant window. The line was not long then and soon it was my turn and I got my renewed green Pakistani passport. I felt very jubilant after receiving my renewed green Pakistani passport.
On my both visits to the Passport city head office Karachi to collect my renewed green Pakistani passport I observed some unusual behavior of some of passport seekers. They were complaining that some countries were not accepting stamped passport and some were complaining that although they got visa but they were deported from the respective country because of the stamped passport. Passport office personals were saying that stamped passports are valid and authentic.
M A S H A     A L L A H
Note: I no longer remember some of the fine details of the different stages involved in my that green Pakistani passport renewing session but whatever I still remember I wrote above and is correct.

Following is a photo of my renewed green Pakistani passport.

Colors used for Border and Background of this post
Color HSL RGB Hex
217°,  64%, 36% 033, 077, 150 #214d96
224°, 55%, 87% 203, 213, 240 #cbd5f0

If there are any mistakes in this post then I will remove them whenever I will know about them.